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Everything posted by RH33

  1. Confessions of a Midwife by Diane Chamberlain. Was good read but could see where the plot was going.
  2. The Consequences of Marriage, Isla Dewar, nice light hearted book. Have ordered 'Just Shoot the Damn Dog'!
  3. That's what I thought! Cheeky cow. First time round, boys name easy, girls name hard. Second time round...both imposible!
  4. If you like it use it. We had a bit of a time choosing Niamh's name. We knew we wanted Sarah and Elizabeth in the name and my husband really liked Sarah Elizabeth but the Sarah is for my childhood friend who died the week before her 18th birthday and felt that I could only use it if her parents who are good friends of the family were comfortable with it. I contacted them when I was 39weeks pregnant but, as I had expected, they felt it would be too difficult to refer to our child by their child's name. By that stage I'd gone off our back ups of Kirsty, Anna, Morven and Heather. We chose Niamh in the end couple of days before I was due to be induced and we were slightly influenced by the fact that Ruairidh. who isn't the most confident speaker could already say Naimh as he has a wee friend called the same name. We felt that if he could refer to her by name it might help them bond. He's daft about her and he gets the biggests smiles of all from him! Baby Adam is home and making good progress. Congratulations Heed!
  5. My friend had a wee boy today by section but he's in special care as he has fluid on the lungs.
  6. LM, Ruairidh's been a nightmare the last two days which isn't like him. He's also not settling well at bed time. Wondering if he's just too warm.
  7. The medication seems t be helping, both hers and mines!
  8. She hates being swaddled now. I've moved to sleeping bags as she wriggles all night long. She's going to have to go into the cot soon as the crib is becoming too narrow for her thrashing around! I think it's from acid as she gurggles and is snuffly all night long too.
  9. probably slightly smaller dose, so far today it's moved problem from afternoon to evening. She's sat on lap screaming.
  10. We've been given a medicine to give once a day which should help. Back to the peadiatricain in 8 weeks. Will see how she gets on tomorrow.
  11. Hospital called, we've to go up this afternoon
  12. Don't you just hate parents who go on about how fabulous a parent they are?! Cheers guys!
  13. He's not, I also started shouting at him as I was shattered and frustrated and thats going to knock him. Hopefully we can get some medication to help Niamh and then we'll have a go.Part reason I started was pressure from nursery but they will just have to wait. Debs I'm going to order that book.
  14. No she is right, I've not been right since breastfeeding went wrong at day 12, I dried up and she lost 8oz in 48 hours so it's been ongoing, the mood not the weight, she is gaining which is why it's been a bit of a long process getting her further help as they were saying if she was gaining she was fine. But when HV was in yesterday she displayed every symptom I've been talking about. But angry it took her witnessing it for me to be taken seriously. Also with my history they won't let me slip too far without intervention. Yeah, I think I'll try that Ayrgirl and stop fretting over it.
  15. That was my thinking but I think they feel we're under huge amounts of pressure with Niamh and that with her being so unsettled that we simply don't have the time to devote to it at moment. She asked how many times he'd managed to use potty yesterday and when I said once she said it sounds like he's not all that ready. No doubt Saints 1884 will come along now and tell me how stupid I was, however no matter what it has gotten us over the fear of pants. She's giving me to Thursday to see if the referal helps my frame of mind, if not she's putting me back on medication
  16. Niamh's being referred to the pediatrician for reflux and query underlying respiratory issues. HV was out yesterday for routine visit and agreed that GP was wrong last week. Saw different GP today who will do the referal as urgent. They've both advised that as a family it's not a good idea to potty train at the moment. I'm a bit lost at the moment.
  17. My husbands getting some stickers for him today He got a sticker for good listening at nursery on Friday, couldn't get it off him, wanted it onto his pj's I don't spoil him, he doesn't normally get bigger things for no reason, but as I inherited a bit I bought each of us a treat. Granted the baby jogger buggy is more for me than Niamh!
  18. He was getting it anyway as I came into some money so was buying him it with some of it. He used to get hysterical at the mere mention of pants so if it gets us over that hurdle so be it.
  19. Ruairidh and his dad have been staying at my father in laws for last few nights as my mother in law is in hopsital. He arrived home 15 mins ago, spotted the coupe car, twice used the potty and now asked for pants too. Bribery works!!!
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