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Everything posted by RH33

  1. My GP is of the opinion that no matter how small it may seem, mention it to them/midwife. I'm having a name crisis.
  2. I've been a bit teary through this pregnancy but luckily not psycho! Edit: as she bubbles through the baby being born on telly!
  3. I definatly went for the 'm' button but maybe cramp hit my finger just at that moment!
  4. Last week I had crap in lower legs for 36 hours Low potassium levels I think.
  5. Baby is about 2lb 11oz. Head down at the moment and clear visual on the in between the legs! Back at 36weeks for another growth scan as it's brother was little at birth.
  6. I had similar the week and then the day before my labour started, so try and get as much sleep as possible Good luck. I have a growth scan and see my consultant today.
  7. Just watch lesbian porn then and this removes men from the equation all together.
  8. There is lots of it! You'll buy/recieve things which never have the tags taken off them!
  9. My husband is ever thankful that I hate all that reality and/or 'celeb' TV stuff! And soaps for that matter.
  10. Have your employer banned you from taking part in next years 5's?!!
  11. Think there is a Parkers Guide to Pregnancy...the company that do the car mannuals?
  12. f**k off snow, works just quietened down since the last lot.
  13. We know what we're having but are still going over both genders just in case. Ruairidh was picked out at the beginning last time, we went round the houses but always came back to it. Our girls name has changed as what I liked last time has become really popular over the last couple of years so it's now out.
  14. You're poor wee fellow SD, hope he perks up over the weekend. We've got a top three girls names chosen but really aren't anywhere with boys names, we've got ones we'd settle for but nothing standing out
  15. That's the be all and end all but I understand what you mean about being disappointed about not being able to labour again. I think i'd feel the same way even after a 3 day labour journey! I don't want an epidural this time as I don't remember much of Ruairidh's birth but at the time it was what I needed! That's us at 27 weeks, scan and consultant a week on Monday. Bump has taken hug growth spurt last couple weeks.
  16. I'm moving my annual leave (have to take my years entitlement at start or I'll loose it) to start at the end of January rather than Mid February. The 4.30am alarm is leaving me exhausted and I got a fright last week. So hopefully as of Saturday I'll have three weeks left until the 29th Novenber.
  17. Ruairidh was 5lb 7 at 37wks! Cal's quite tall is he not?
  18. Was he not about 6lb something...if you'd gone another 9 weeks he'd have been a 10lber! Not sure I want an epidural this time if I can avoid it. I needed it last time as I was exhausted.
  19. I started having mild contractions on the Wednesday afternoon, waters went on the Thursday morning and had him Friday lunchtime. I had no sleep from when I woke up on the Wednesday which was the hardest part.
  20. Making venison stew for dinner tonight.
  21. Spent couple of hours in triage at the Labour ward being checked for early labour today but they're satisfied that it's muscular. Bloody uncomfortable, was up all night . Bit scary but they hospital were brilliant.
  22. Sorry to hear that Ruggy, hope she makes a full recovery.
  23. I'm not sure how much he understands, he'll tell you the baby is in my tummy but I'm not sure he really gets it. We'll see how he reacts once it's here.
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