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Everything posted by RH33

  1. We didn't send any drivers to Cumbernauld, Falkirk and Stirling today. The majority of people were pretty understanding. Still got some idiots screaming and shouting.
  2. I can't see teaching resuming this week, staff may be expected in which is fair enough.
  3. We'd been to Gilmour St and back by then having discovered no trains running, my husband works in one of the teaching labs, they were a bit late off the ball and should have made the decision an hour earlier before people started the commute.
  4. We didn't send any vans to the Stirling and Falkirk area today as the roads are too bad. Our neighbour works in Stirling, does a 6am to 2pm shift and is usually home by 3.30pm....he got home at 1.30am.
  5. Psychiatric Nursing. Seemingly they are still sorting out the January nursing intake.
  6. My application is still under consideration, they do interview for the course I applied for.
  7. Amazon are doing subscribe and save on various items, one of which is the box of pampers sensitve wipes containing 9 packets, if you subscribe you get the box for £4.94 with free delivery.
  8. Excellent! I've to go back for a third scan as they still can't get the heart measured! Awkward blighter!
  9. It's ok, I'll send Alfie up to dispose of the offending crayon for you!
  10. Conversation along lines of: "Where's my delivery?" "We weren't able to reach you but have left it at x location" "That's not good enough I need them here, I'm snowed in" "Yes, and that's why our driver couldn't get to you but left them at closest point so that if you are able to get out...." "But, why didn't you get it here" "you're snowed in" "Yes but......."
  11. Busy afternoon, 22week midwife apt and then upto the hospital for a follow up scan to see if we can get heart chambers measured! Maybe find out what I'm having. Neither were visable....back in another fortnight for another scan,
  12. I work for a distribution company and we have the same issues.
  13. 11 days after me! I had my detailed scan a fortnight ago but I'm back tomorrow because they couldn't get the heart measured due to the way the baby was lying.
  14. My wee one's Grandparents are giving him Clarks gift card as part of his Christmas, what does he need three weeks before Christmas..new shoes!
  15. Lovely snowey morning here.
  16. We also had a really stressful first 6 weeks. My wee one lost 11% of his body weight and was under 5lb. By 6 weeks I had to top up with fornula as he was still not at birth weight. What we didn't know then but new research was published in March 09 and the medication I was on, it turns out, inhibited the fat supply of my milk so Ruairidh was getting semi skimmed I still managed to breastfeed as well until 15 months. However my friends wee one was introduced to expressed milk and within a couple of weeks was refusing the nipple. My friend broke herself trying to maintain supply through express only but sadly wasn't able to. So really the intro of bottle can go either way. I agree with Reina, it is so worth it, I can't wait to start breastfeeding again when I have this one and I'm no longer on the offending anti depressants so I'm hopeful we'll not have same issues. On another note, I think we've decided on a girls name but nothing on boys names at all!
  17. Have you tried a wee bit of baby massage? There are a couple of techniques you can use which help with trapped wind. My wee one loved it and it certainly seemed to help.
  18. Firstly, congratulations on your new arrival! I always found the screaming worse to deal with in the middle of the night. Have you tried swaddling him? My wee one liked that when he was tiny.
  19. Asked Ruairidh earlier what we should call the baby, he said 'Ross'! Also his dad was seeing if he could feel the baby move after a particularly strong kick and he to feel the bump exclaiming, 'baby'! Hopefully the interest and excitement remains once it is here!
  20. Well all is fine but back in a fortnight as although we could see heart was lying the wrong way to have it measured. That was with sending us out for 20mins and trying again! Also unlike it's older brother kept it's legs tightly crossed so even if I'd wanted to know I couldn't have!
  21. They say if you have regular sex most couples should fall pregnant within 2 years I think it is. Each time (3) we've actively tried I've been pregnant within a couple of months. Ruairidh was a surprise and this time was first month.
  22. In agony with lower back and hips. Didn't have this last time.
  23. Excellent, now I know that I can stop being polite.
  24. At what point did my body become public fucking property. Yes I'm pregnant but keep your hands off my stomach.
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