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Everything posted by RH33

  1. Ruairidh loves remote controls! No no. Not so bad now but it use to be murder. I'm sure the neighbours must have thought we were beating him!
  2. I'd have added a smiley had it been someone other than Adam, but I knew he'd take it in the manner it was intended! In fact Charlie is one of the cutest babies I have ever seen!
  3. The boys have had a stomach bug over the weekend, not I have it. Cheese toastie in reverse is not plesent!
  4. Same practice but he didn't see the Dr that I usually see! It is a bit.
  5. My husband went to the GP this am as he's been increasingly thirsty. Turns out his blood suger is 5 times higher than normal and he is diabetic. The GP said he should be grateful he has a nagging wife who's been at him for 10days to get it seen about as another week could have seen him in a diabetic coma.
  6. Now Lynn-Marie, that is rather catty and not in keeping with the warm and loving Belvik religion. Ribbirt ribbit be!
  7. Haha! I was meaning more when he was tiny. Now he's still not a big eater. Likes his fruit and chedder cheese between meals. He's currently eating Irish Stew!
  8. Fair enough. I just didn't believe in a regimented you were fed four hours ago you will eat now approach. What we do works for us and that's the most important thing, doing what works best for you and baby! I have a happy content little man doing it this way.
  9. For you, different things work for different people. We, for example are baby lead and haven't done the routine. HCG will keep me right but I think it's also easier to establish a routine when they are bottle fed?
  10. Woman who was in the bed opposite me had a wee girl and called her Levi. People look at me strangly when I tell them my sons name, but it's a traditional Gaelic name and has to be better than Chantelle, Chardony, Jay or TJ I like traditional scottish and gaelic names. Sorry Andy but I'm not a fan of Cole either.
  11. To the Commercial Hotel, Alness: If a baby falls out a highchair, which you provided, don.t try & clean the floor where his dinner landed & claim that it wasn't broken while the child is screaming in his mums arms. The highchair gave wa...y and most certainly WAS broken as the lump on my sons head shows. Your staff could do well to learn that "sorry" should not need to be a) prompted and B ) said sarcastically to the parent in these situations.
  12. My wee one had low blood sugar too, I just had to express milk off and top him up with the expressed stuff until it rose. It's fairly common
  13. My uncle has that and it is so debilitating. His was misdiagnosed as ME for years but it was confirmed as fibromyalgia few years back. I came home sharp as Dr's said my Grandfather ony had couple days left due to phnumonia, I haven't seen him in years as he's completly demented. Mum and Dad went to the care home today and he's rallied and sitting up! This may sound cruel but it would just be fairer if he went as he has no life and is an empty shell.
  14. I think SD might need one of them too at this rate! 2011 project' get the wife up the duff'?
  15. Note to self; come along the bypass home from work rather than through Feegie.
  16. If I hadn't had too because the wee one wasn't gaining weight I'd have not dreamt of using powder. It was such a bloody hassle. I still enjoy feeding the wee one myself, I hadn't even bought bottles and a steraliser!
  17. You go girl. You're doing a fab job with Callum so ignore that sad chump. Ruairidh just climbed up me and opened my shirt.............I think it's a hint!
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