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Everything posted by RH33

  1. If I hadn't had too because the wee one wasn't gaining weight I'd have not dreamt of using powder. It was such a bloody hassle. I still enjoy feeding the wee one myself, I hadn't even bought bottles and a steraliser!
  2. You go girl. You're doing a fab job with Callum so ignore that sad chump. Ruairidh just climbed up me and opened my shirt.............I think it's a hint!
  3. Isn't he! Although I'm not sure how looking so like Adam he can still be so cute! ( adam!) My baby was 1 today(actually yesterday now).
  4. Not on his own, has discovered his push along which he does lengths of the living room with, sadly he can't turn it and simply rams and rams the wall until someone turns him! No teeth either!
  5. My wee boy is 22lb 11oz which represents 5.5 times his weight at birth! He's grown an amazing 9cm since the middle of July! He's still a short arse, just over the 25th percentile in height and 50th in weight. Health visitor was seemingly delighted with his progress today. Scary to think that a year ago just now I was in hospital. I go between excited and teary thinking about Saturday! 1 whole year old! Congratulations F-c!
  6. Professional Masterchef-the tasks in the first round are hugely varying. Last week-fillet a fish....fairly basic....this week spun sugar which is a skill normally reserved to pastry chefs. Edit: half of them would be more suited to Ramsey's Kitchen Nightmares!
  7. G_man, beware of health visitors, they're not familiar with our particular baby and don't take their ideas as gospal. Go with your instinct. My health visitor is utterly useless and I had my suspicions confirmed......she didn't have kids of her own.
  8. IIRC it's once you get to every 5mins you should call...
  9. You should do, get some practise in with the scrib first as it can seemingly take a bit to get used too. For both of you.
  10. North east word? Not one I have heard. I thought it was maybe a word for boobies!
  11. Go and speak to the Support for Learning dudes, I would think they'd be able to arrange a scrib for you for the time you're in a cast.
  12. It doesn't end soon, not the first day I've been sat in work having missed the fact he's puked on me! You just get days when they are sicky I'm afraid.
  13. F-c hasn't posted today.......has she had the baby?! MB, what a cutie!
  14. Having been fairly confident that we would be going north this morning, I am no longer convinced. Despite having a sleep this afternoon. Would hate to give my Granny a cold and mean her missing out on the wee ones birthday a week on Saturday.
  15. A visit to ikea worked wonders for me! If you waters go in B&Q they give you some vouchers
  16. My wee one is much better today. Gran and Grampa just left with him, he's off there for a sleep over tonight to let me get a full night to see if it helps shift this cold. I know it's the last thing you feel like f-c but going walking is meant to get things moving.
  17. We're meant to be going north on Sat but won't be if this doesn't shift. My ears are sore too. The wee one has snotters coming out his eyes-thats the medical description my GP gave it But he still smiles away the wee soul. He ate a bit better today as well. Giving him lots of fluids.
  18. WB your wee boy is lovely. Reina, I can't wait to steal a cuddle on Saturday! G_man-well at least he's no gigner! Joking-he's a cutie too!
  19. My first contractions were on the Wednesday................in ikea
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