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DA-go Par Adonis

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Everything posted by DA-go Par Adonis

  1. We went into the game 4 points ahead and have a side that grinds out results by keeping clean sheets. Kind of makes sense that we had a game plan which involved being extremely solid, especially given that Falkirk find a way to concede in every game they play against anyone half-decent in this league.
  2. I don't think we'll be dishing out a hiding. We're more George Graham's Arsenal than Arsene Wengers. If we keep on churning out the clean sheets, we'll learn to love it though.
  3. It's 6/1 for a scoring draw. You'd lose your money if it was 0-0. You could cover the 0-0 at 12/1 also, but your effective odds on any type of draw are only 3.55/1 or thereabouts.
  4. Shields was the one that was rumoured. How realistic that is, I don't know though. Given that there's only 3 months until the next window, you would hope that there might be a Premier League player or two, who are on the fringes at the moment, that might fancy dropping down to get a dozen games under their belt. I could understand if they didn't fancy a season's long loan - unless they are at Celtic or Rangers and miles down the pecking order - but someone currently bench-warming at Motherwell or Livingston could surely see it as an opportunity to impress.
  5. Last season was a whole different ball game to this one though - thankfully in the main. We also had one or two more threatening players in the squad, although you wouldn't have known it for the majority of the time. If I remember correctly, Thomas played well in the Thistle game. We absolutely stole the Ayr game.
  6. That doesn't fully stack up. Yogi also signed Donaldson, who was pretty much a no-nonsense centre back too. McPake is doing really well, and Benedictus and Hamilton are great additions, but he was dealt a squad with Comrie, Breen, Edwards and MacDonald - all of whom should be able to excel at the level we're at. I was always pretty confident that he'd have us pretty well drilled defensively. The issue was always going to be scoring goals rather than keeping them out. Also, yet to see how we respond to losing the opening goal in a game. That will be a test when it happens.
  7. I've seen some desperate lashing out after a bad defeat, but that's some pretty wild straw clutching right there.
  8. We're 4 points ahead of Falkirk after 6 games. When that trend is repeated for the rest of the season, it equates to a 20 point gap by game 30. It's simple maths...
  9. We won 24 points out of 30 before the play-off against Dundee United - where we were unlucky in both games. I'm not quite sure it was a natural dropping off point.
  10. What if we're 20 points clear by then? You'll have missed all the excitement...
  11. Aye, our fanbase like a statement from the board - to explain why what they wanted to happen hasn't happened. Then when they get a statement, they like to complain about the statement. It's all part of being a Pars fan. Having said that, the criticism was fair after their car crash of a correspondence following our first visit to Dumfries last year. However, it has been markedly better since Cook took charge.
  12. Forest might end up regretting it if they get short of players though.
  13. Whilst rumours are great, I try not to get too excited as a pessimist is never disappointed.
  14. We were definitely relegated on merit but we were competitive in general - in what was a pretty terrible league quality-wise. The issue was that we managed 2 points from 24 in our games against the top 2 - neither of whom were putting the rest of the league to the sword.
  15. If we win, it will be 1-0, but I'd probably take 0-0 if it was offered - as things stand. If we lose the first goal early, it could be difficult viewing. I can't see how our side, as it is at the moment, manages to get back into a game when the opposition has a lead to defend. Nothing that 3 great signings out of nowhere won't fix though....
  16. We have 2 wins from our last 30 league games away from home. You've maybe over-estimated the enjoyment we get from our usual matchday experience...
  17. The remaining board, McGlynn and Smith know they're going to be forced out soon anyway...
  18. Probably been mooted in one of the hundred pages previous, but you don't think we could all be shocked once more when Raith decide to name him in the starting XI at 2:30 tomorrow?
  19. The point of the boycott is to hurt the club - in the short term, so that things change. Over the medium to long-term it will be of benefit. If 60% of your normal attendance continues to go, this situation drags on for longer and the reputation of your club gets more and more tarnished.
  20. It was always going to be a very difficult statement for the Rovers' board to put out. Maybe they should have enlisted the help of any talented writers that they may have in their fanbase?
  21. There's no cooling off period in an employment contract but there is often a probationary period - often 3 months - where the employer can part ways with employee if they are deemed unsuitable for the role. You'd need a decent lawyer to invoke that successfully though.
  22. Hopefully the Rovers rip up his contract. If he sues for a six-figure sum in loss of wages, presumably they can declare themselves bankrupt and not pay him a penny.
  23. You must have had interesting conversations with your Grandad.
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