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Everything posted by MarvMarvSuperMarv

  1. I was on the bus going to my girlfriends today and the driver stopped for an old man at the stop, as normal. But then got out the bus, a went into a nearby shop. Leaving me, his money, the bus and his keys in the bus. With the doors open! I thought someone was going to steal the bus, the money and me. When I got off he didn't realise I was still on as he didn't open the doors until I said 'excuse me' It didn't bother me though, made me laugh the driver coming back with a couple bottles of irn bru and a paper.
  2. Yeah I think I will. Top up £10 and you get unlimited texts and that £10 in credit. Pretty good deal.
  3. I don't usually go over, but when I do I give him the extra money.
  4. Aye, he said I had a week though (Tuesday) and it's went off tonight. I use it a lot so I'm going to miss it.
  5. Do you ever come down to breakfast or whatever and say 'Ha LM, did you read about Hibernia last night?! Epic.'
  6. I wanted one of them to breakdown and admit their weird ways! Boo.
  7. Thanks. Do you mean like a transfer? I can do that yeah but apparently it's quite difficult because the unit you're in don't want to lose a fully trained soldier so they do what they can to keep you- that's the impression my careers sergeant gave me anyway.
  8. Yeah I can apply for anything. I'll be able to go down to my careers office and get into the infantry and a few other jobs after passing my first selection. I've always tried to avoid that though. Now I'm just gonna go do something toally different. Something like a gunner or a tank crewman. Which compared to what they offered me before isn't so great.
  9. Yeah I passed that bit. As I was going for a 'specialist' job I had to do another 2 day selection interview. That's where they didn't accept me. Without sounding a cocky little p***k I don't know why.. I was fit enough, smart enough and motavated enough. Gutting.
  10. Leven? Whatttt?! How's she manage that? Is she rich eh?
  11. I don't want to talk about it. Nah, it was the Army and it's totally depressed me. I gave it my all and it wasn't good enough, it's made me feel a total dumpling. Ahwell, I quite fancy the tanks now.
  12. The fifey. Do you drive? Dundee is decent. Btw, how has Feebs manages to become a manager already?!
  13. So. What pool you going to on Tuesday night? Seeing as she cant make Wednesday.
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