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Everything posted by 19QOS19

  1. Are you watching tonight's 'soccer' game? The quality isn't fantastic, but there has been 8 goals and plenty of excitement. You can see how MLS is gaining support over the pond. Great viewing tonight
  2. Probably more appropriate here than Random Images:- That'll be my middle nephew come tomorrow morning
  3. 43 hours?! Get it down ee! I rarely eat a takeaway in a oner. It's a 3 day meal for me Same goes for Chinese as well. I've heard reheated rice is one of the biggest things likely to give you food poison. I've reheat rice for years and not once have I had food poisoning.
  4. My sister-in-law's waters have broken today. She's getting started off at 9 tonight. Hopefully by the end of my nightshift I've another healthy nephew
  5. My vote would be for 'Welcome To The Jungle' without question. Lets scare the shit out the opposition before they even start B)
  6. My mission is to make the whole of Britain become self-concious when they use or write "Video Game" and hopefully it results in them cutting it out completely Good Guy
  7. Am I the only person who keeps picturing this when a London based team gets mentioned?
  8. I feel sorry for Jamie. He had the potential to be a cracking player at a higher level but injuries pretty much put an end to that. It'll be interesting to see how he does at Ayr. Was he not playing Saturday league for Wigtown last season? It's a massive leap from that to League 1.
  9. Just to pit it to bed folks, the best game ever made isn't up for debate. It's quite clearly:- A Masterpiece.
  10. Obviously different social circles Dave But yeah when I was younger it was always "do you wana go and play the computer?" Or "I've got a new computer game". "Video Game" was never mentioned, ever. Folk thinking "who cares" can f**k off m8. They should know what to expect when they enter this topic B)
  11. Just checking to see if the way I suggested actually works It did
  12. Here's hoping. I instantly thought it was to do with his previous injury.
  13. What game was it where you were on a boat shooting folk on the bankings, all the while Sympathy For The Devil was playing. Absolutely superb level. Was that no MW2?
  14. I couldn't even type anything on PnB when I had my IPad, so I'll definitely be of no use to you, sorry!
  15. I played that right after Modern Warfare 2 and didn't enjoy it as much.
  16. I've never really 'got' COD. But I'm not a major multiplayer gamer, which is what COD is renowned for. I think their main story's are pretty pish and prefer Battlefield on that front. Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 was a game I really enjoyed though.
  17. **At this point go to your album and choose ur pic** [/s P O I L E R] Obviously the words spoiler should be pushed together.
  18. Has anyone any info. on Tapping (the player)? I was impressed with him and would be hoping he starts tomorrow but his early departure during the Killie game has me concerned
  19. Aah. I thought I was going mad as I always thought he was from Irvine. That explains it then. Right enough Supersouth. As you were
  20. I get what both of you are saying, but who has ever said the sentence "Do you wana come round to play on the games console?"? It's technically a games console but I've always referred to it as my computer: "Do you wana come round to play on the computer" (although I generally tend to refer to it as my PS4 in all honesty). If I'm buying a new game I'll refer to it as a new computer game, never a new video game. I just find video game very very American and I've never noticed it in all the time I've been gaming. When I was younger, mates would say "I've a new computer game" not a new "video game".
  21. Cracking signing for them. But would Burns' home team not be Irvine Meadow? I always thought that's where he was from.
  22. Websites that sell "Video Games". I'm actually specifically referring to Argos. We're not living in America, it's a Computer Game ya dicks! I had to have a stern word with my 8 year old nephew when he referred to his games as Video Games
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