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Bigmouth Strikes Again

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Everything posted by Bigmouth Strikes Again

  1. Nice one Mondo, great to see you're still alive. Thank you.
  2. That's what I need, got glass doors as well, probably spend hundreds on it, and he wouldn't use it.
  3. You've done well, not up to this standard though. Thank you.
  4. He's a tragic individual, I just ignore him and the vile abuse now. Yeah, I gave him a bit of abuse, but FFS it was 2012, time to move on now. IMO. Thank you.
  5. That, coupled with the fatness is a recipe for disaster. IMO. Thank you.
  6. Never read so much shite, in my whole fucking life. Thank you.
  7. They are trained to shite in the gutter at the side of the road, I think.
  8. bit of disagreement here, next step divorce.. IMO. Thank you.
  9. Great for him to keep a clean sheet, confidence up, better than flapper, he's quite small for a keeper though, that's my only concern.
  10. 'Big Davo' still running around booting people? marvellous if he is. Thank you.
  11. Spot on, bringing on subbies to defend a one goal lead, clinging on at the end as well against ten men, not impressed. Thank you.
  12. f**k all wrong with the stream or commentary, you whining clown. Thank you.
  13. Arbroath comfortable against this Neilson mob, not 4-1 down at half-time. Take some notes McPake, you fucking muppet. Thank you.
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