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Bigmouth Strikes Again

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Everything posted by Bigmouth Strikes Again

  1. Lockwood.............brilliant on the penalties, until he missed one, then lost the confidence. This guy was the best penalty taker, ever. IMO. Thank you.
  2. 8 years of following me around. Dearie fucking me. Thank you.
  3. ^^^^This. The 'seethe factor' would be tremendous. Thank you.
  4. Flounce down to the ring with this on, and then slap Mullarkey around. Thank you.
  5. One red dot too many for me, I'm a goner........... Thank you.
  6. Yeah, suckling on the @virginton teat, how low can you go?
  7. He's a horrible little c**t hiding behind a keyboard, with his little gang of mates. Top of the P&B hit parade though, sites fucked. IMO. Thank you.
  8. Thanks Shadow, kind words. The red dot is from a moron that's been following me around and doing this on most of my posts, I've never even had an argument with this guy, it's quite concerning and worrying, the type of people who are out there. Thanks again.
  9. It's not fucking healthy, I've never even had a disagreement with the chunt.
  10. Watch out posting Smiths stuff up on here m8, you'll get branded a 'racist sympathiser/nazi stormtrooper'. Thank you.
  11. Thanks, it's taken years to do it, doubt there will be any more high end pieces. Got my eye on a few Seikos though.
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