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Bigmouth Strikes Again

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Everything posted by Bigmouth Strikes Again

  1. Looks like that to me as well, f**k knows what goes on in his head, because that was the hardcore there today, certainly no boo-boys.
  2. Think the snowman twat is away to be decapitated.
  3. Will Harkins be on tomorrow? Love the big lump, great player. Thank you.
  4. It's not the way I'm reading it, people are ripping the pish out of that individual.
  5. Looks like you're on the dot list now m8. Stay safe. Thank you.
  6. He's a superb looking cat, almost as handsome as the Smudger.
  7. Couldn't life ever be sane again? on the Leeds side streets that you slip down. eta. Hang the DJ.
  8. Just post the next fuckwit up, you're starting to annoy me. Thank you.
  9. Where are we up to now? also when's the next one? Thank you.
  10. Tried the laser dot thing, he liked it at first, but when he realised he couldn't catch it, he lost interest.
  11. Looks quite flimsy, don't think it would last long.
  12. He likes to dish it out, different story for the old bigot when the roles are reversed though.
  13. At least the beast admitted it, unlike the Prince Andrew nonce.
  14. He's a horrendous looking individual whoever it is, probably Boredoms test tube baby. IMO. Thank you.
  15. You're the 29th worst poster on the earth, that's what it is. Thank you.
  16. Spot on, and if McPake can't see this then he is a total fucking imbecile that shouldn't be in the job.
  17. Great post CM, spot on, don't think we can take the credit for Griffiths though. Thank you.
  18. Sheffield Wednesday. Used to work with a Yorkshire c**t who supported them, brings a smile to my face everytime they lose. Thank you.
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