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Bigmouth Strikes Again

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Everything posted by Bigmouth Strikes Again

  1. f**k knows. I assumed she knew what she was talking about so took her advice.
  2. Mrs Biggie is a charge nurse, according to her the sweat off your arse when wiping could contaminate it, and it wouldn't be a 'pure sample'.
  3. Bad hangover on Sunday morning, didn't really want to be doing it.
  4. How much do they pay the people to analyse it? I would need about 250k a week. I got the dry boak, and that was just with my own.
  5. When you get to 50 the NHS asks you to poke around in your own shite with a cardboard stick.
  6. FFS. That's like something out of a horror film. (the victim, not so much the cat.) Is that a bird its been chewing on?
  7. Fucking good. No overated DAB arseholes at Dens. Thank you.
  8. Back into the wild for Ferry...........run free Simon, run free.
  9. Don't think he will be that bothered, must be making a mint from Depeche Mode.
  10. Yep, he needs to sit down, fire up the bong and chill out.
  11. Got charged at by the 'attack dog' again last night, don't think the baseball bat assault would work, the thing would be on your throat before you could swing the bat, you would probably need to tazer the fucker, so I'm going to go for the laxative chocolate option. Had a 'friendly chat' with the owner, who agreed it was out of order and it won't happen again. This should be a laugh.
  12. I agree with G_Man about Holt, give him a rest and give Irvine/Meggatt a chance.
  13. Can't open my back gate without the arsehole next doors attack dog (Rhodesian ridgeback) making a run for me, its gonna get a fucking baseball bat over the skull.
  14. Bin this fucking defence. Get Cammy back from Peterhead, get Irvine on at left back, and get Meggat on at centre half.
  15. Wighton better not be punted to the bench for this Daly fucking donkey.
  16. Tankulic had his chance and fucked it up, this pissing around in nightclubs and smoking is no use, plus he looks unfit now and is a bit of a fat bassa. Good decision from Hartley.
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