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Bigmouth Strikes Again

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Posts posted by Bigmouth Strikes Again

  1. Got charged at by the 'attack dog' again last night, don't think the baseball bat assault would work, the thing would be on your throat before you could swing the bat, you would probably need to tazer the fucker, so I'm going to go for the laxative chocolate option. Had a 'friendly chat' with the owner, who agreed it was out of order and it won't happen again. This should be a laugh.

  2. My neighbour thinks it is OK form to keep her two alsations outside in a "run" (cage) and 8'x 4' overnight every night. The way the houses are set up essentially means that she is keeping her dogs in my front garden. At least twice a night the dogs have a two minute Barking frenzy as someone or something walks past. Getting fucking pissed off now

    Can't open my back gate without the arsehole next doors attack dog (Rhodesian ridgeback) making a run for me, its gonna get a fucking baseball bat over the skull.

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