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Bigmouth Strikes Again

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Posts posted by Bigmouth Strikes Again

  1. It's not what you would call a funny show, but his "Technically, you killed him" line had me properly pishing myself.

    Yep, I never saw that one coming. :o f**k going round there for your tea.

  2. Anyone been watching the new series? It's been a bit slow to start with, but still looks absolutely fantastic.

    It's been cancelled unfortunately, but they're supposedly trying to take it to another broadcaster.

    Enjoying it, think they are overdoing the arty farty shite though. Also sometimes it quite hard to make out what Mikkleson is saying.

  3. The exact carbon copy thing happened to me on Saturday. Wallet must have fell out of my back pocket in the taxi and it's not been handed into the police station or anything.

    Bank cards, student card, driving licence, £70, everything gone.

    What irks me is that even if the driver took the money out of the wallet, surely they would return the wallet with all the cards and that since they aren't of any use to them?

    Doesn't really matter anyway; cards are cancelled and new ones are on the way. You'd still think they'd do the decent thing though.

    First time I've ever lost my wallet, it's an absolute sickener.

    Probably the next fare in the cab that's kept it, not the driver.

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