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Bigmouth Strikes Again

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Posts posted by Bigmouth Strikes Again

  1. To be fair, i have hardly slated dundee. I have made a few tongue in cheek comments. I did however i say dont rate mcpake which wound a few people up hence how this convo turned onto how i go watch united. It is a football forum after all

    You couldn't wind up a clockwork toy you fucking dimwit.

  2. Funny that it's the saints fans leading the charge too -fair dose of embarrassment that Dundee took more on a near 1000 mile round trip on a Tuesday night than they took in their self proclaimed "massive support" an hour up the road :D

    No wonder players would choose Dundee over Saints every time. Proper fans in a proper football city.

    Best just to ignore the perth muppet. IMO.

  3. Aye I figured that. Long shot but does anyone have the thread? I need to send it to his son. Found out he literally had to go out and purchase an envelope to send it back. I don't care if that's old news that's real commitment to hating a managerial appointment.

    A mod deleted the thread while having a temper tantrum.

  4. Was speaking to a DAB in work today, although it was mainly him droning on about the state of affairs at Tannadump, anyhow, got onto forums and he says he likes some of the smaller arab sites, east football and he mentioned some others, I said 'do you not go on P&B? that's quite good, he said 'yeh its got some good posters on it, but this Bigmouth Strikes Again guy keeps trolling all the Utd threads. :lol:8)

  5. Why? One generally saunters around the park making square passes, the other does a power of work and regularly makes a telling contribution eg our last match. Thomson has more ability but that is lost when he is very rarely able to impose himself in our games.

    Nah, you're way off the mark there. IMO.

  6. Hartley has gone on record saying our budget is in the bottom 4 for this season. Does he strike you as a liar?He felt compelled to come out in the press due to the misconceptions being bandied around about our budget by people who quite frankly are just guessing at figures.

    We have no overdraft facility so anything we spend needs to be there in cash or come as capital investment from our board or American owners.

    Of our signings for next season, only Hemmings will be on more than most of our current squad are currently coming from down south and you can be guaranteed he's taken a sizeable pay cut to be here.

    Loy, meggatt and holt joined from the Championship and there is no way any of them are being put onto a higher wage than our vastly experienced ex international captain (who isn't near 3.5k a week) no matter what bitter ex DAB Houston says.

    Another factor that St Johnstone fans just don't seem to get is that we have almost double the crowd they have at a minimum and at a higher price of entry. That's a sizeable income for us. The closest to us crowds wise is Utd and I'm willing to bet that Ciftci, fojut, rankin, Ryan McGowan and Paul Dixon (maybe even bilate) earn more per man than every player in our squad with utds mid range earners (cierzniak, muirhead, canna fart but his erskine etc)being near our top end. Transfer income is an advantage for Utd but I think we can all surmise that's not all been going where people thought.

    Long and short of it is I'm fairly happy where we are at the moment. I'd be more worried if we were signing kris boyd and the like as opposed to young players from a lower level with potential to grow- refer to Stewart and Bain.

    Admin 1 was big names, big wages, big fees, big mistake.

    Admin 2 was big fees (Harkins and Griffiths) in the championship and a massive squad.

    This season is players who were written off or from a lower level and a reasonable squad size. Night and day.

    Excellent, lengthy, top quality 'telt'.

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