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Bigmouth Strikes Again

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Posts posted by Bigmouth Strikes Again

  1. But there won't be. Because this isn't a typical 'in-house' scandal whereby the SFA could apply tricky sanctions like the registration ban, without actually getting rid of the club. And then the SPL could hum and haw before accepting thirty pieces of silver to put a Newco back in, relatively unscathed. The SFA now has to act under the scrutiny of FIFA, and the SFA's punishments will trump any act of self-preservation the Cockwomble can dream up.

    I fail to see how FIFA would regard a Scottish Cup ban for a single year as being suitable punishment for a club who have taken their national association to a civil court, and have dragged the game into disrepute for their actions of the past decade. The SFA would have their balls collectively booted for it, and Regan knows this. The SFA will have to either suspend or expel Rangers from its membership. I'd say there's a much stronger chance of Charles Green showing he does do walking away in the near future, than Rangers getting out of this tightening noose.

    Taking the SFA to the CoS was the suicidal move, which makes the Rangers fans' collective hubris at their 'victory' in court absolutely fucking delicious.


    Excellent work here VT. Much better than your usual pish.

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