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Bigmouth Strikes Again

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Everything posted by Bigmouth Strikes Again

  1. Seething fucking rage, and no wonder. eta Dave 'hardman' Bowman wanting 'square go's'.
  2. Hilarious, looks like all the whining/whinging/knicker wetting on here has been justified. Thank you.
  3. Perth FC spent 4 million on wages alone for a pile of shite, doubt there's any profit there.
  4. You have no clue about Scottish football then. Thank you. eta Just as I suspected.
  5. Well said, thought Arbroath looked solid last night, well organised/hard to break down. Thank you.
  6. Thank you, and, no thank you. Wish he'd put them into a different colour of boot. Thank you.
  7. Decent, midfield playmaker type, can ping decent passes around.
  8. History for that, binned a legend, and put all his stuff in bin bags, think it was Luggy.
  9. Spot on. They look fucked, with the massive cost cutting/clear out. Wonderful. Thank you.
  10. How the 'mighty' have fallen. Oh dearie me. eta The Morten and the Airdrie will trample all over that line-up, don't forget McPake as well. Thank you.
  11. Anybody still paying the licence fee to the nonce factory needs their head examined. IMO.
  12. Good for confidence building up victories, top quality from McCowan. Onwards and upwards.
  13. Nobody with a brain cell is signing that goalkeeper. Stuck with him. IMO. Thank you.
  14. More bullshite unfortunately, as you have been replying to my posts. Thank you.
  15. Think it's because me and Spud are slightly older, and have had a lifetime of listening to people like him, and are tired of it. Thank you.
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