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Everything posted by SaintSam

  1. Add a bit of snow and ice into the equation and it won't be pretty.
  2. I didn't 'choose' to live here, I was born here. Having said that, I like living here and we rarely get snow in Perth, nevermind this much. I can say with some degree of confidence that this is the worst winter I've ever seen. I took the car out yesterday and had a few moments like Andy C where the car was just moving of it's own accord towards pavements and other peoples cars. One thing that annoys me at all times of the year are these new housing schemes that are built and the design of the roads that take you through them. All winding, very narrow, lots of junctions. It physically pains me that people park their cars on these roads. They are not designed to be parked on, that's why every house has seven f'cking driveways.
  3. I can walk to work, and I did on Sunday/Monday/Tuesday/Wednesday. However, in the process of doing so I managed to get ill which is probably making my ability to tolerate this ridiculous weather much less than it otherwise would be. It's not the point though. I don't want to walk, I want to drive my car. That's why I have it.
  4. No it doesn't. I hate it. I despise it. I wish it would f'ck off and melt. I lose a little bit of my will to live every time I look at the weather forecast and see -10, -11, -12.
  5. I'm completely fed up of this awful weather. I hadn't driven my car since last Saturday and took it out today. A heavy snow shower made the already dreadful road conditions in Perth deteriorate even further and my car wouldn't stop. Almost hit someone despite increasing my stopping distance substantially in view of the conditions. I couldn't get parked on my street when I got home due to really hard packed snow so had to dig out a space. I'm not very well at all having had to bloody walk to work in ridiculously low temperatures and am supposed to be back tomorrow but feel and look like shit. HATE this weather.
  6. In answer to the question about Scone, the snow is horrible in Perth so Scone won't be any better. It's still as deep as it was this morning and we're bracing for temperatures as low as -10 overnight.
  7. Worst snow fall I've ever seen. Car is totally stuck thanks to the snow plough and even then the roads are not passable. The plough got stuck half way up the hill at one point. This will be a fun walk to work in two feet of snow!
  8. I live on a hill. It was a bit touch and go but I got up it. The speed bumps on said hill were the main cause of the sliding. Thankfully the gritters have been around twice tonight and will no doubt be around again tomorrow morning so tomorrows trip should be less scary.
  9. I went out in the car today and it was sliding a bit. Not an issue really, keep the speed down and avoid sudden changes of direction. No problem.
  10. He's a 17 year old boy. He's not even matured yet! Surely you remember those days?
  11. You don't act it! 'My girlfriends pissed at me lol lol lol rolfcopter lol' 14 and 3/4 then?
  12. My cat was really scared last year but tonight she just sat downstairs with me, sleeping for most of the night. Now she's in her little bed, getting more sleep.
  13. Most places will start taking on their Christmas temps around middle/late November. I think it'd definitely be worth holding off until then. Saturday nights are the most unwanted shifts and therefore it tends to be young people who end up with those. You might find offering to work a Saturday night is every bit as inviting to a potential employer as during the day where they will already a good number of staff. I think you'll find it easier with a supermarket than anything on the high street.
  14. Just giving you some helpful advice. Is your issue with working weekends football related?
  15. There are very few jobs in the retail industry where you won't be expected to work weekends. When I first started working, I had to give up Saturday evenings and all day Sunday. So I missed away games. I no longer work a Saturday at all but still have to work Sundays. Shops are open longer than ever before. I don't know anyone who doesn't work weekends in this line of work.
  16. What are you applying for? Nearer Christmas you will find it much easier to get a job.
  17. I had to destroy mine on Monday after it was used fraudulently by persons not including myself. My new one arrived today. They told me 7 to 10 working days.
  18. Still, the point remains that only a doctor will be able to tell you what is wrong with you.
  19. Such a typical, typical man. That reminds me of something funny that occured at work. One of our patients came in complaining of a sore eye and told the optician that he'd already been to the GP but the GP advised him to come and see an optician. The optician queried with the gentleman who he would go and see if he had toothache. The patient responded that he would go and see his dentist. The optician then asked the customer why he would go and see his GP about an eye problem, instead of his optician? Maybe you had to be there.
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