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Everything posted by Ludo*1

  1. 2 is greater than 1!!!! Get him signed. He's a belter.
  2. Kong will be making an appearance tonight going by her twitter.
  3. Never been a fan of 2 outta 3 fall matches. They turn into sleeper matches. Decent enough though.
  4. 'Ooh, you'd have to find a former Foley girlfriend to recount a finish as unsatisfying as that one!' - Mick Foley's verdict.
  5. Good match, but it buries Kane again. How will they be able to push him from now? The mask gimmick has already been gubbed.
  6. Well in Denji, quality stream by the looks of things.
  7. FirstRow Sports has let me down and isn't opening. Any links to the proper show?
  8. Table match for Big Show vs Rhodes for anyone not watching the pre-show.
  9. Just had a look at the 'Wheel' that'll decide the stipulation for the Big Show's match and one of them is 'Body Slam Match', I bet it's this and it's turned into a gimmick-y match and the feud will carry on. Few good selections on the wheel though.
  10. FirstRow Sports is quite good, streamed Mania perfectly (I purchased Mania though) so will probably be streaming from that site tonight.
  11. Buff Bagwell suffered a broken neck yesterday, he's currently in intensive care.
  12. I was a fan in the early 90s but Jim Duggan kills my soul.
  13. In short, yes. Hit channel '0'. That's the PPV channel. That tells you how to purchase it usually. Instead of posting twice, I'll just throw this out there: What did people think of Eric Bischoff's book 'Cash Creates Controversy'? I was thinking of buying it.
  14. Rey Mysterio has been suspended for 60 days after another wellness violation.
  15. Kane's back to his monster self, but they have him run away from Orton? This is all set up for an Orton win in which, Kane's return will have been pointless.
  16. I didn't know much about his drug addiction or much at all about his personal life to be honest. I always imagined him as being one of the 'clean' guys, maybe that's why it had the effect it did on me. He is doing a follow up book though! Any books you recommend? I've read a few, but somehow never picked up Foley's so they are on order. Like the look of Regal's as well, but thought that might be a bit of a drag once I actually got it.
  17. Has anyone read Dustin Rhodes aka Goldust's book? It's top notch, one of the best wrestling autobiographies out there. A must read for all wrestling fans IMO.
  18. A touch hypocritical in me saying this as a Dundee fan, but if Rangers get away with this and get to stay in the SPL, what would be the point in supporting a team in Scottish football? I'd consider jacking it in for a while to be honest, and it doesn't even effect us.
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