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Everything posted by Ludo*1

  1. The Last Days on Mars. There's so much to this film that's confusing, such as why the main character is having nightmares/flashbacks/panic attacks. Is he claustrophobic? There's one point in the film where a previous incident regarding his past is mentioned but it's so brief it literally tells you nothing about his back-story. It has a bit of Alien in it and a bit of 2001: A Space Odyssey in it as well mixed with Planet of the Apes, so you can tell it's a weird film. Perhaps I'll need to read the original short story which it was based on which was, 'The Animators' by Sydney J. Bounds. To me, it just appeared to be a film about zombies on Mars (Well parasites infesting the astronauts) but even this isn't explained. Is it a parasite? Is it curable - considering the one cure that they do try has 'short term' effects? What exactly is this disease? The ending is also entirely meaningless too. What happens? He says he has two choices of action (I won't reveal for spoilers) and ends on saying he expects the crew at Earth to get back to him in 15 minutes, so he'll just wait... so what do they say?! What happens to the zombies!? Maybe with reading the short story I'll buy into the film more, but to me it was just a whole load of nonsense in a film I wanted to buy into, but none of the characters have any depth whatsoever to them, and to tell you the truth, having just watched it less than an hour ago, I can't even remember any of their names such was their depth. 4/10. The only reason I rate it so highly is because I thought the film had the potential to develop extremely well, but it just fell completely flat and explored none of the concepts it looked set out to do so. To highlight just how frustrating the film was, it made Prometheus seem like a very easy and relaxing watch. To put it bluntly, it turned out to be exactly what you'd expect from a film with zombies on Mars I suppose.
  2. We're going to be able to sell our allocation out three times over if we beat Morton on Saturday. Looking forward to this game and hopefully it's a game where Hartley can celebrate with Alloa being confirmed as staying up and Smith can do likewise with us winning the league!
  3. On the basis of the BC & AD chat earlier in this thread, just asked the missus what they stood for. Her reply was, 'Before Christ and After Christ'.
  4. My mother went to see 12 Years A Slave at the pictures and when describing the film to me I asked her, 'So how long was he held as a slave for then?'. Her reply: 'Oh, I dunno, probably about 15 years.'
  5. The Quiet Ones. Interested in this and quite enjoyed it until I got home and found out that the 'Inspired by True Events' was so far from the truth and loosely based that it felt a bit cheap of them even if it did only say 'inspired'. Lauren from Eastenders does an admirable job in this and it's an alright horror as they go. Few jumps, decent story but hardly ground breaking. One of those that the premise of the story is actually so much better than the actual film. Far too much is left unexplored regarding characters and it's just quite a mess of a film really, which is a shame, as it offers so much. 4/10.
  6. Sandow's only 31 think it's far too early to write him off. He still has 3-4 years to make an impact. Ziggler really needs to breakthrough within the next year or so and he's certainly got the talent to do so, it's just whether or not he gets the push that's required.
  7. Calm yerself right down. You think it's frustrating?! Think about Dundee fans.
  8. This is the first day where I've genuinely felt that Yes has a very decent chance of winning this referendum. Massive faux pas made by the No camp.
  9. Gonna be tap helpers for one week only and pump Hamilton for us. I know some Livi fans regard Dundee as their 'rivals' but you'd be totally forgiven for Hassan and we can slowly rebuild our relationship as tap mates. How about it?
  10. When was the last time Hearts played in the second tier?
  11. Steve Simonsen only trained with us on a Friday before the game, the rest of the week he'd train by himself down in England.
  12. Just not bought into the hype for Mania this year. Couldn't believe that this is the last Raw before Mania, FS.
  13. It's definitely the weak link out of the 5 but I wouldn't go as far as saying it was anything like terrible. Very good match.
  14. I think you're in the minority in thinking that tbh.
  15. Are you sure you've been watching Raw of late? Not really getting the criticism of the NAO's here. Still turning in good consistent performances and giving decent exposure to younger talents. Job done.
  16. Regarding the FB poll, 19/13 in favour of Yes Scotland for me.
  17. Billy Gunn can still go as if he's never been away. You can see Road Dogg's age and life is catching up with him pretty damn quickly, but he's still able to churn out decent performances whilst he's in a tag team.
  18. Think you're being harsh there. For the past 5-6 year, Taker has guaranteed a 5 star match every Mania. Regardless of the build up, I think they'll tell one hell of a story in the ring.
  19. Carry them? Road Dogg and Billy Gunn have been putting in very good matches when asked and Kane's always a solid performer even if he's been unspectacular the last few years. If The Shield can't shine in the match then they don't deserve the hype to be honest. Three excellent workers who'll breeze through the match.
  20. How's Barry Smith doing in comparison to Hartley at this early stage?
  21. Think The Shield facing Kane and the NAO is a good move. Guaranteed decent match at Mania with 3 strong workers allowing The Shield to gain that bit more exposure, bit more experience on the big stage and develop that little bit further. Far too much is rushed in the WWE these days (Except Bryan's run that's for sure) for an audience that want instant results rather than allowing stuff to simmer and build into something bigger and better.
  22. Ride Along. Formulaic, boring, turgid pish. 2/10
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