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Everything posted by Ludo*1

  1. I've bought Avernum 4, 5 & 6. Never even looked at this type of game before but all three for less than £5 I thought, why not? Anyone rate these games? Bought Game Dev Tycoon as previously stated and all the old Xcom games.
  2. I grabbed Game Developer Tycoon and it's a brilliant time waster. I spent 3 hours rattling through it whilst getting ready to go out yesterday. Beautifully simple yet challenging game. I urge anyone and everyone to get it and try it if they haven't already done so. Currently going for £3.49.
  3. Merge the IC & US title's and bring in a Cruiserweight title.
  4. He said there was a lot of backstabbing and unwelcome politics that went along with the role. No matter how good a role is, if you don't like the people, then it's fair enough I suppose. Eccleston's series was the one I found most enjoyable, even if looking back it contained a lot of cheese! Tennent's series has the most potential to be watched again and again such is the quality, whereas I stopped watching Smith after his first series. I think the series took a sharp downturn for me at least, when Billie Piper left and Catherine Tate/Martha were brought in.
  5. I have a hunch it'll be Mark Gatiss that eventually takes the reigns. This is a local Doctor for local people.
  6. I must be in the minority but the majority of the cast in Eastenders struggle to act at the best of times (I'm looking at you Letitia Dean) and Danny Dyer is only making it worse. His wife in the programme has taken the biscuit though.
  7. I can't really remember the reason but David Tennant's first episode consisted of him being in a coma for the majority of the episode. Perhaps its not memory loss that Capaldi's doctor is suffering from but it could be linked to his 'kidneys' and he knows it'll physically stop him from driving the Tardis. Just a thought.
  8. Anyone played Elder Sign: Omens? Any good? Never played anything like it by the looks of it so it's interested me.
  9. Just seen this video of Angle. WTF?! No doctors at ringside? Or was this a work? Certainly didn't look like one. FS TNA. ETA: At 3:28 Angle quite clearly says 'push me down' which suggests it's a work. It's either a horrific work or a dreadful piece of management by TNA.
  10. When I was complaining last night, I was meaning that I thought it was poor compared to his usual stuff which is quite hit and miss as it is. I just expected better considering it's meant to be the last episode of it he's doing.
  11. It's more embarrassing, however, as they are a team that has fans that have genuine aspirations to get into the top league and they are also full time, despite Dougie's constant threats.
  12. They took Jeff Hardy back. I've not watched TNA in a good few years, but he can't be worse than him? If you mean injury wise, it hasn't stopped them undoubtedly trying to tempt Austin back.
  13. I only liked the Christmas past one, thought the rest was very poor tbh, disappointed as I was looking forward to it!
  14. It was absolute shite tonight.
  15. You're absolutely correct, they can save about an hour by cutting out a lot of the pish they do every other Mania with the musical interludes etc.
  16. I know, Hogan's moment of winning the Undisputed title from Cena is in tatters now! In all seriousness, I think this Mania should be an extra hour in length considering the talent they are rumoured to be bringing back. Give some of the people present a chance to blossom and also have a few cracking ex-superstar matches.
  17. I think the plan at that point was to do that but Orton's out of ring activities put a stop to it.
  18. Batista's skills are very limited, but he's entertaining.
  19. The streak will never be broken and it certainly won't be someone like Roman Reigns as talented as he is. Taker's final match will be billed as such, there's too much money at stake for it not to be billed as 'Undertaker's Last Ever Match' and he will win.
  20. Killing Season. Not near as bad as the trailer and idea of the film make it out to be. It's your typical easy watching violent action film. John Travolta is semi-decent with the foreign accent, but it's both paint by numbers type performances really. 5/10.
  21. You could have went down the route of blading and the dangers this is posing ie, risk of HIV etc and/or chair shots to the head leading to permanent brain damage.
  22. If you can still enjoy the original Resident Evil, then you shouldn't have a problem with Dino Crisis.
  23. If you have any other games, I urge you to play them first, nothing will compare to the experience of this game. Fantastic story.
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