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Everything posted by Ludo*1

  1. Loving Triple H is just trying to drag the WWE kicking and screaming back to the Attitude Era. Awesome.
  2. Just seen it there, his new mask is a bit dodgy, but other than that he looks top notch. One thing that puzzles me, when he's masked, why does he feel the need to bulk up with muscle? He's been a fat mess (Compared to original Kane) the past few year, and now he's absolutely ripped again when he's got the mask on... Cheers Marshmallo.
  3. What would be the point of HHH beating Taker? Outside Taker, he's probably the biggest name in the WWE, and has been for sometime, not to mention the fact he's in the latter stages of his career unless he's gonna do what Ric Flair and Hogan are doing added to the fact, he's already faced off with Taker at Mania twice already. Cena won't be put against Taker this year either. I also said that the Austin thing would be a dream match. Quite frankly, there's no-one going about that should beat Taker.
  4. The word gets changed, much along the same lines as the St Mirren thing etc.
  5. A Wrestlemania with Rock vs Cena & Austin vs Taker? That would probably be the biggest Mania ever, and generate huge sales. Granted, it wouldn't do much good in the long run, but no-one in the current roster deserves to takedown Taker at Mania IMO.
  6. I don't want Undertakers record to be spoiled by an up-and-coming star, that would be pish. Here's my dream idea: Stone Cold Vs Undertaker - No DQ. Stone Cold says he's back for 1 more match, and he's determined to end Taker's record in anyway possible. Fight starts off fairly, and usual antics follow with the ref being KO'ed. Just as it looks like it's gameover for Austin: Jimmy Snuka, Jake The Snake, King Kong Bundy, Diesel, Sycho Sid, Triple H, Prince Albert, Big Show, Ric Flair, Randy Orton, Mark Henry, Batista, Edge & Shawn Michaels all start beating down on the Undertaker each doing their finisher on the Deadman. Suddenly the lights cut out, the music starts: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qUIWZjfIIWY Maske Kane is BACK!!! He's BACK!!! The Taker victims are all waiting in the ring, Kane effortlessly clears the ring, handing out one-armed chokeslams like he was a doctor giving lollipops to children. He's cleared the ring, he sets the ring posts on fire with his trademark thrust. Undertaker is beginning to get to his feet, and Kane tries to chokeslam him, only to receive a fistful of punches from the deadman before he closelines the Big Red Machine out of the ring. Undertaker turns round, absolutely exhausted only to see Stone Cold waiting on him, he hits the stunner, 1...2... KICK-OUT!!! Unbelievable! The audience begin to question whether it's physically possible to beat Undertaker at Wrestlemania. Taker does his trademark sit-up, only for Austin to stunner him again. 1...2...........3!!! 'It's over' shouts King, 'What a SLOBBERKNOCKER!' says JR! Suddenly, the lights cut-out once more... Undertaker's first ever theme plays, the Funeral Dirge... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wj9uQfYfSwM&feature=related The druids come and collect the motionless Undertaker with Paul Bearer leading the way, with Taker never to be seen again...
  7. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a2hI1dJGQko&feature=related ^^^ Best theme.
  8. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RH0mdKw4iFM http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nK2m4AfnHs8&feature=watch_response
  9. Heard that Kane will be returning with his mask! Is this true? Read this on Wiki as well: On the November 21 edition of Raw, WWE hyped the return of Kane by showing a vignette with Kane lighting a match, punching through glass — wearing the studded leather glove worn during the company's Attitude Era, as opposed to the finger gloves worn in recent years — and dropping the matchstick onto a new red mask, similar to his debut, but without the mouth piece, which then caught fire. Another Promo was aired on the November 28 edition of Raw, which ended with the title "Kane Resurrected".
  10. Building a new team through breeding some of my Pokemon. Team is currently like this: Stoutland Lvl 70. Excadrill Lvl 69. Gyrados Lvl 30. Tangela Lvl 1 Volcarona Lvl 59. Unfezant Lvl 58. Anyone got any recommendations as to who I should bring into my team? Only Stoutland is definitely staying in my team so far. Other possibilities: Dewgong, Metang, Ditto, Golduck, Kangaskhan, Karrablast, Absol, Seviper. Suggestions would be much appreciated.
  11. Where've you been? Get back full-time!

  12. Any cheap places I can acquire the comics?
  13. Think it was me & Forehead who had the debate as to who was the better director around at the present moment, between Scorcese & Tarantino. Couldn't believe people rate Tarantino above Scorcese, but hey, it's all about opinions. Personally, I love both but Scorcese can't be matched, even when he's firing out pish like, 'The Aviator'.
  14. Aye, they've scrapped BCG needles I'm sure, and brought in one that doesn't give a permanent scar I'm sure. Could be talking complete shite as well though.
  15. Just read 'American Psycho' - Absolute pish.
  16. Dislike this years Pokemon, as it's my hidden secret and now requires you to go online to get anywhere near catching half of them.
  17. Top film that is underrated by many I feel. Watched it the first time and hated it, second time round I thought it was near enough a masterpiece. Terrific all round, wouldn't give it 10 though a solid 8 from me. Actually really liked this despite the bad name it receives! Mind you I'm into the whole shaky-cam thing. Just bought Blair Witch Project out of Tesco for 3 quid, is that any good? The second one is decent, despite being panned, but it's easy enough to watch and I know it's more 'film' based than the shaky cam one.
  18. Thought it was just a wee lassie jumping on the bed. Then when I read below, I got a cold shiver down my spine. Then I recomposed myself, and decided it's a wee lassie jumping on the bed.
  19. We're detracting from what has been a relatively decent topic, by the by, I have no idea what that sentence is even supposed to mean.
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