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Everything posted by tongue_tied_danny

  1. The Man From U.N.C.L.E. Slick and stylish and entertaining. Well worth a watch. 7/10
  2. I used to read a lot of underground American comics, like The Furry Freak Brothers or Snarf. But to be honest, these days I spend more time pissing about on internet forums than I do reading.
  3. Rowdy Herrington https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rowdy_Herrington
  4. Diary Of A Teenage Girl A teenage burd in 1970's San Francisco gets rattled senseless by her mum's boyfriend. Pretty boring if truth be told. 5/10
  5. I've never been the biggest fan of Queen but I do like this video. Not so much the song, but the video itself is pretty cool.
  6. ^^^^^ Good call, that was one of my favourite albums in my teenage years...
  7. Eden Subtitled French flick about the live and loves of a Parisian nightclub DJ. Great music and some cool nightclub scenes but there's not much in the way of plot and it quickly descends into boring pointlessness. Style over substance. Only worth watching if you're into French dance music... 5/10
  8. 1915 - The Battle For The Alps I bought this on DVD for a couple of quid in CEX yesterday as I enjoy war films and I'm particularly interested in reading about the less well known theatres of war. This movie was about the conflict between the Italian and the Austro-Hungarian armies on the Alpine front in WW1. So far so good, unfortunately the film itself was the biggest pile of fucking shite I've seen for a very long time. Unrealistic battle sequences and a really corny love story between an Austrian solder and an Italian chick. 1/10
  9. You missed out Fat b*****d from Austin Powers, Groundskeeper Willie and the greenkeeper from Caddyshack. I think Germany must have the most though. How many fiendish German characters have popped up in war films etc?
  10. I would normally agree, but there are some remakes that are better than the original. Scarface, Munich and The Beat That My Heart Skipped are three that spring to mind.
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