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Everything posted by tongue_tied_danny

  1. There's been a few really good films about Germany's murky political past. Downfall and The Baader-Meinhof Complex are well worth checking out.
  2. Cracking photos. I went to the old Bayview a few times. A decent stadium and usually a good laugh in the social club before hand.
  3. Yeah, I know what you mean. Maybe they've had complaints from other customers.
  4. I saw it this afternoon. I wasn't aware that it echoed recent events until the lady in the ticket booth warned me before I went in. I'm pretty broad minded about these things but I did feel slightly uncomfortable watching that scene as I basically knew what was about to happen. Still a very good film though. Well worth seeking out.
  5. The Belle Stars' eleventh single and also their least successful. Released in 1984, this reached a pitiful number 71 in the charts...
  6. The Krays is a fucking dreadful film. A couple of vicious thugs are nice to their mum while daydreaming about swans and crocodiles. The only good bit is the cameo appearance by Blakey from On The Buses as a jobsworth copper.
  7. The guy in the top right picture appears to have a film camera tattooed on his arm.
  8. Greenery Will Bloom Again (Torneranno i Prati)Quite good if a little slow moving. Basically a bunch of filthy, scared soldiers in a freezing trench on the Italian front in WW1 try to survive as shells explode all around them. No much else in the way of plot, no combat other than the shelling and you never see an enemy soldier. I suppose that reflects the reality of trench warfare, tedium followed by terror. It was genuinely unsettling in places and the shelling actually seemed a lot more frightening than it usually does in war films. Well worth checking out if you're interested in military history.
  9. I read that last year. He's a terrific writer. The Thunderbolt Kid is probably my favourite book of his.
  10. That was pretty much my take on it. I walked out of the cinema not knowing if I enjoyed it or not. I was thinking about it for a couple of days afterwards though and I did buy the book a couple of weeks later.
  11. I was thinking more of Dennis from Auf Wiedersehen Pet.
  12. Madness playing an open air gig in Montrose in July...
  13. I know a couple of birds who go to the Vu every week and they are crazy about venom. I believe it's vodka, Southern Comfort, Blue WKD and orange.
  14. I usually go to the DCA cinema in Dundee. Fewer arseholes in attendance and you're allowed to bring your pint in with you.
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