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Everything posted by tongue_tied_danny

  1. Looks fucking brilliant. I'm all agog.
  2. You used to get in for free at half time at Links Park. There's been a couple of times in the past when I've stayed in the pub for an extra pint or two then wandered down for the second half. I'm not sure if it's still allowed though. Before the ground was rebuilt in the early '90s it was actually quite easy to get into Links Park for free. You could go through somebody's garden and climb over the fence. There was a blind spot behind the enclosure where the cops/stewards couldn't see you. Many local kids went in this way. As a wee Ned I also jibbed my way into Firs Park like this a couple of times. Are there any other grounds with easy free access?
  3. I actually witnessed this incident last week. I didn't realise it had made the news until now though.
  4. The trainers are okay but those troosers are fucking rank...
  5. Yeah. It was from a highland games and was supposed to be temporary but lasted for about 60 years.
  6. Here's Links Park before it was redeveloped in the early '90s. As mentioned earlier in the thread the "dynamo" end curled round the corner flag. The terrace on the left is also at an angle.
  7. You can include Ibrox and Dens. Both had terraced enclosures in front of the main stand.
  8. The Irish pub on the Westport, Slattery's I think it was called, was very Celtic minded when I first moved to Dundee. I watched the '99 title decider in there. There were quite a few plastic pint glasses launched at the screen at the end.
  9. Yip. I believe it's the pub of choice for the "Dundee Loyal".
  10. I'm pretty sure the fence around the pitch at North End Juniors in Dundee was previously part of the Tay road bridge.
  11. Every time I see or hear "Click and Collect" something inside me snaps and I just want to fucking kill...
  12. It used to curl around the corner flag but the pitch was moved when the new stand was built in the early 90s. There used to be a covered enclosure where the new stand is with a small wooden stand opposite.
  13. Race Entertaining enough biopic of Jesse Owens. 6/10
  14. Falkirk should build a terrace with a segregation fence along that side of the ground and fortify it with sandbags for when the inevitable explosion occurs.
  15. I regularly fantasise about killing and/or disfiguring my colleagues in some of the most painful and humiliating ways possible. Today's fantasy involved reversing a van against the fire exit so that they couldn't escape and releasing a swarm of hornets into the office. I'd stand at the front door in a beekeepers outfit armed with a shotgun, executing any motherfucker that tried to get past me.
  16. I disagree. Eating penguin biscuits and watering a yucca plant ain't exactly easy. It's a tough being an office worker.
  17. Sex tourism is the most effective way of redistributing wealth from the western world to developing countries.
  18. I enjoyed the series, good music and good looking burds, but I found the storyline to be weak at times. I'm a big fan of the '70s NY music scene so it was right up my street. I'm kinda ambivalent about them cancelling the second series as I do think the Americans have a habit of kicking the arse of these things. Boardwalk Empire was a season too long for example.
  19. Kilts and highland regalia are fucking shite.
  20. Yeah, sid vicious wore one. The mods deleted my avatar so I'm not going to incur their wrath by posting a pic.
  21. I disagree, Oscar Pistorius is a great inspiration for any guy trying to deal with a nagging bird.
  22. The Neon Demon An aspiring young model enters the LA fashion scene in this psychological thriller. Slick and stylish but fairly slow moving. I enjoyed it but it may not be to everyone's taste. 7/10
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