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Everything posted by tongue_tied_danny

  1. I also remember people turning racer handlebars upside down.
  2. Hacksaw Ridge I thought this was excellent. Some of the most intense battle scenes ever. 9/10
  3. Back in the days of British Rail some of the larger stations had these... The one at Queen Street had this weird set up with high tables and these things that you leaned on instead of proper tables and chairs.
  4. Sniffing glue. It was all the rage back in the 70s and 80s but has now fallen out of favour. Some local shops even sold glue sniffing kits. It is definate jakeball behaviour. ETA - here's the urban dictionary definition. http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Snegg the Glegg
  5. You never really hear of anybody snegging the gleg these days...
  6. £9.50 for a bottle of this stuff in Droughy's in Dundee a couple of years ago. It was actually pretty rank. The barmaid opened it before checking the price and was really sheepish about it. I paid without complaining as I didn't want to look like a cheap charlie.
  7. The Challenger space shuttle disaster is a true blast from the past. The NASA joke spread like wildfire afterwards.
  8. Used to piss me off big time. Our first vcr was pretty basic. You had to hold your finger on the rewind button and you could see the film play backwards as the tape rewound. It took fucking ages and your finger was sore afterwards. Any cunts who returns a video to blockbuster without rewinding it first deserves to be smothered with a spit mask.
  9. There was a brief fad back in the mid 80s for coca cola yoyos. They were everywhere for a couple of months then just disappeared.
  10. If it's adverts we're doing then here's one I suddenly remembered the other day. I mentioned it to a couple of mates but they couldn't remember it.
  11. I see classic shirts have this beauty... The coolest shirt I ever owned. I bought one at Inglestone market around 1990 and loved it. I took a total slagging for the Lada logo but who gives a f**k? Ridicule is nothing to be scared of as a famous man once sang. I would go for it but it's 70 bar and I'm not fucking paying that...
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