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Everything posted by tongue_tied_danny

  1. The whole of Angus has declined a lot over the last 20 years. Montrose High Street is nothing like it was. I took a stroll around Arbroath before the match last week and that wasn't any better. Because it was a bank holiday there was nothing open and very few people going about. It was freezing and the wind was blowing litter around. It felt like I was in some post apocalyptic wasteland, like the nuclear winter zone on The Crystal Maze.
  2. Brechin has been dead ever since the Americans fucked off. Let's hope Trump and Putin fall out and the US Navy needs to open the Edzell base again.
  3. Blitzed by Norman Ohler Well researched and fascinating account of drug use and abuse in the 3rd Reich. It certainly offered a different perspective of WW2 that has scarcely been touched elsewhere.
  4. Stuart Maconie I've no idea why. I just can't suffer the c**t.
  5. And you get to see Scarlett Johansson in the nack. TBH I think she looked better than usual in that film with her dark hair and cheapo Primark jeans.
  6. National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation. Some amusing moments but not a patch on the first two Vacation movies. 5/10
  7. I'm pretty sure that's looking up from Magdalen Yard Road up towards Perth Road. I think that's the high mill on Shepherd's Loan on the left.
  8. The way of the monkey is to play the fool. While you laugh at his antics, he bites you from behind. Unmask his ego and you expose a coward disguised as a monkey.

  9. The Silent Flute David Carradine stars in this cheesy martial arts fantasy flick. Enjoyable nonsense. 7/10
  10. May as well complete the set with this piss-ant p***k. Life's too short to waste watching this c**t's shitty programmes.
  11. Yip, he's utterly shite. Stephen Merchant is another pointless waste of spunk. His very existence is absolute pish.
  12. Violence. Religion. Injustice. Death.

  13. I just saw these on the size? website... Adidas Tubular Doom Primeknit. Shite name, shite looking trainer. A steal at £130.
  14. I listened to the "death tape" on YouTube a few years ago. Not exactly easy listening.
  15. KRS One is playing in Dundee on 17th December. Seriously thinking about going.
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