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Everything posted by tongue_tied_danny

  1. I'd recommend Marathon Man, Straight Time and Little Big Man, among others. Hoffman is a superb actor.
  2. I really enjoyed it, though felt it just lacked something. Some hilarious moment in this but I thought it was stretched out too much. Some of the jokes wore thin by the end. Would have been much better as a shorter TV show.
  3. Gonna celebrate todays great escape by seeing the dub pistols tonight. Should be fucking good.
  4. That was it. I was trying to remember the name of the scene they were attempting to manufacture. Cockney wideboys with cropped hair, Ralph Lauren shirts and Reebok trainers were called "Polo Geezers" apparently. My 20 year old self thought it looked pretty fucking cool. I couldn't afford the Ralph and had to settle for a YSL shirt though.
  5. I'll 'fess up. I ran out and bought a pair of white Reebok classics with gold stripes after seeing them in the Face magazine in or around 1995. I looked cool as f**k with my YSL shirt, Teddy Smith jeans and Reeboks on, let me tell you.
  6. I'm just away to start this. I recently started The Great And Calamitous Tale Of Johan Thoms by Ian Thornton. It's a comic retelling of the assasination of The Archduke Franz Ferdinand and the fate of the guy who was driving the limo. It was pretty boring TBH and I gave up after about 30 pages.
  7. I'm thinking of going for a pair of Brooks Chariot for my next purchase, now that NB and Saucony have been taken over by teenage girls, hipsters and art students.
  8. Depends where you stay. I stayed in this place here.... http://www.toukaisou.com/index-e.htm It was cheap as f**k. Admittedly the room was about the same size as a sardine tin but it was clean and had everything I needed.
  9. Could be interesting, I enjoyed the film and the sequel Futureworld. I'm a bit of a sucker for pre-Star Wars '70s sci-fi so this should be right up my street.
  10. The Salvation A Danish made western starring Mads Mikkelsen as a war veteran turned farmer who hunts down a bunch of bad guys.... A bit of a slow burner and fairly cliched and predictable but amusing enough. Scores an extra point for featuring a bearded Eric Cantona as a bad ass gunslinger. 7/10 The Water Diviner Russell Crowe plays a grieving father who travels to the battlefields of Gallipoli to search for his missing sons. I was expecting this to be heavy going but it was actually pretty entertaining. Well worth watching. 8/10
  11. My dreams often have a recurring theme. At least twice a week in my dream I'll have some kind of important appointment, like an exam or a job interview, but no matter how hard I try I just can't get my shit together to get there. I'll be getting dressed or packing my bags or whatever but it just isn't happening and I don't make it on time. Last night was a slight variation to this theme. In my dream I'd been sucked into the world of Command & Conquer and was hastily trying to arrange my defenses in the face of an imminent attack by the enemy. However I was unable to build any kind of fortifications and could only watch helplessly as the Brotherhood Of Nod easily kicked f**k out of my puny garrison.
  12. The Incredible Burt Wonderstone Steve Carell and Jim Carey are a pair of feuding magicians. Pretty predictable but quite a few laughs. 6/10
  13. I shudder to think what the hen night photos would be like.
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