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Everything posted by tongue_tied_danny

  1. Is it the same burd? She's wearing a different top.
  2. Tabloid - A very entertaining doc about a former soft porn star who stalked and kidnapped a mormon, becoming a media sensation overnight. Mr Death - About some guy who designed and manafactured electric chairs, gas chambers and gallows for the US prison authorities. 80 Blocks From Tiffany's - '70s doc about New York street gangs.
  3. Pretty funny. I'm sure your millions of visitors will be just as amused as I am. :-)

  4. You really get a lot of visitors....

  5. Kraftwerk and Rocky Dennis go out clubbin' together?
  6. O Lucky Man A very weird '70s British flick starring Malcolm McDowell as a coffee sales rep who gets himself into some sticky situations. Strangely entertaining though perhaps 1/2 hour too long... 8/10
  7. Awaydays On the plus side this film has great music, great clothes and it captures the period pretty well. However, the characters are complete arseholes and the Doctor Who convention that was in the book hasn't been included. 6/10
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