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Everything posted by heedthebaa

  1. Love coming home on a Friday to the gang, my wife deserves a medal (there’s 2 missing) for putting in an 11 hour shift with them. Pizza, macaroni cheese, home made soup, rolls, custard and a choose. Can’t get enough of these kids
  2. No an easy task bud, all the best. I know a few grandparents that have had to do this.
  3. Seen OMD on Friday night, thought it was a bit of a suspect venue, but turned out great, they were brilliant
  4. Made me the transgender person I am today
  5. With loads of older family members, there was always a hand me down bag of clothes kicking about in our house
  6. Or just go over the road (literally) to the Elginhaugh and get a good scran into you
  7. At least Jason can spell proparly and uses commers
  8. Vape mine, a b*****d was trying to tempt me with the baccy, didn’t work though
  9. The writer is usually switched on. Will there not be 3 leagues next year in the Eos ???
  10. If I can just clarify my position, I believe it’s time for Scottish independence, leaving Europe is a mistake and after a hunner years it’s time to let it go, oh and I’ve never wore a poppy. But you see I’m an adult and accept the democratic process
  11. Apart from the minutes silences, that’s what I think about this independence and brexit pish, as you say, move on, it’s weird and perverse
  12. I was told 12 weeks, after telling them to get fucked, it was reduced to 8 weeks
  13. Now these bellends have been outed, this c**t should be next
  14. Tempted by the Barrowlands as I’ve no been, but tickets got for Newcastle 02 academy
  15. The wife gets all excited when the doorbell goes, away she goes with the basket of sweets, I love though when I hear “now boys are you no to old for this” and she comes back in raging
  16. You’re like a dug wi tway cocks the day I’ll second that proposal, he would deserve it
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