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Everything posted by heedthebaa

  1. After giving myself a bit of a scunner over the festive period, I’m back in the saddle
  2. Nothing better than getting rid of the kids and popping on a peppa dvd with a beer to unwind
  3. Exactly, no one even noticed, until she gleefully told them
  4. I want to paint it!! I'm not doing it with her standing criticising though. Mines usually has the decency to wait till I’m finished to kick off. Finished papering a room once, (flowery paper) I stood back all proud and in she walked, took a look and said “that paper is upside down” she was right as well
  5. It never bothered me and never quite understood why you would be so deceitful towards your wife i have never opened a pay packet in all my working life, she even got every penny of paffle money
  6. I didn’t even get pocket money My mate who is about 60 and worked in the shipyards said on pay day there was a queue of wives outside the gate ready to do exactly that, since had they not, the weeks money would have gone directly to the pub. This was a regular thing with fishermen, hilarious to watch. If they hadn’t done it they’d have had nothing to live on. When we went all fancy and got paid straight into the bank, instead of cash, the amount of lads that went beserk was unreal, their wives hadn’t a clue exactly how much they earned.
  7. I take it this has become popular with couples ? Your money, her money and joint money. Gone are the days of handing your pay packet over and getting your pocket money
  8. So does mine, but if it means a shopping trip at a weekend less, it’s all good. I prefer opening a door to a courier to being used as a pack mule
  9. There’s more than one video. He must be walking around Hawick awfy biscuit arsed
  10. You would have thought the other man that was there would have done the honours, went all Spielberg and took the phone
  11. True, they’re making it harder for them to get visas. I love working with them, lovely people and would do anything to help you out
  12. The men are great grafters also, they’ve been a big asset to the Scottish fishing industry
  13. She’s having to be watched, as she’s suicidal. Seemingly someone took her phone at a party and found them
  14. It just gave me a craving for chocolate angel delight
  15. A nurse apparently, but probably not anymore
  16. It’s all kicked off down in the borders a few days ago, with a woman doing exactly this and finding disgusting videos of him and another woman. She did the decent thing of course and posted them on the local FB page causing an absolute shitstorm.
  17. When she finds something funny I get “you have to see this” I lean over to watch it, but have never found anything she shows me remotely funny
  18. Mine once looked over at my phone and said “you cracking with your football friends” I chose the easy answer and just said yes, friends indeed
  19. Don’t think it’s so much about trust, they’re just nosy and want to know the far end of a fart. If I so much as snigger whilst looking at my phone, she wants to know what I’m laughing at
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