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Everything posted by heedthebaa

  1. Pleased for Rankin, thought Curran just edged it though
  2. I seen this and have to say it took half an hour for me to stop laughing, what a divvy. I see he has went back to protecting his tweets pure raging
  3. Congratulations BR, not a bad first year in senior football
  4. All the best to WW next season, they along with Bonnyrigg have shown restraint and dignity throughout this whole farce
  5. The games I seen him playing for Berwick, he stood out, cracking player
  6. No team in the BA, they did run a team in it for years and they’ve tried to apply to get back in in the past, but I believe a shortage of referees already is a problem Yes the youths will keep going, it’s a good set up for them can she bake ?? She always gives me the impression she’d make a mean cheese scone, this could swing a meet up with her
  7. Thought it would come to this for a year, knew last week it was actually happening. The only decision they could take imo and although the option is there for a return, my personal opinion is I can’t see it. There’s little appetite down here at present amongst players to play EOS, which again is understandable. No one came forward for the managers job, so no real player recruitment. Feel for the small but hard working committee, but also for all the youth players, which there are many and are well run, who may never get to play for the town above amateur level now. It’s just a fucking shame
  8. looks like tweedmouth in a cup pal. Always had a soft spot for WW, but never the LL, from recollection it was imo hurriedly set up and gave no thought to the league they left behind in tatters. Neither club have been treat well here by the buffoons in charge, but the way BR have got these lights up, I would say they’ve had a heeds up off someone and you’re fucked mate
  9. I feel for Bonnyrigg and WW, it’s not an ideal situation, but then I remember when the LL started up and none of the founder members that were ex EOS gave a shiny shite what a shite state they left it in
  10. The c**t that thought I would let him sit in my seat coz he was acting on he was sleeping, aye up ye get son
  11. Rod Stewart in York last night, great night, although very Celticy at times
  12. I was under the impression this had nothing to do with the style of football, but about club finances
  13. Mines was that bad at this I demanded she bought a key finder, you whistled and it beeped back at you
  14. Supermarket rolls are decent enough, but the local bakers rolls here are the mutts nuts, 40p each, but worth every penny
  15. Finally got rid of the “no seen you in a while brigade” to be left with just me and the T, fantastic pint btw
  16. For awkwardness I would just unhitch and use the motor mover
  17. I won’t lie, the seethe I get from passing motorists, makes towing the caravan all the more fun
  18. You’re a role model to us all I put new bunk beds up on Monday night, no looking good for me neither
  19. True, sometimes the only thing that keeps me going after a full day is they will be getting picked up at some point
  20. Very true kids are great also, it’s just some parents don’t realise you have to put a lot of effort into parenting
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