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Everything posted by heedthebaa

  1. Had a cracking boating lake though, Seaton Carew was better
  2. Grown ups, some married, with kids even, getting in a state over Dots on a football forum. Trying to get someone banned, goading and bullying them, Tragic but hilarious at the same time. If Rab needs help, f**k knows what marshmallow needs. Carry on Clarification off the mods would be appreciated
  3. Good man, don’t you dare take responsibility for this slip of the tongue
  4. Yes I’m sure, my money is on a complete and utter c**t, who was txtin me last night about a problem he has, he also knows I can hardly move after an operation last week, but is a big enough c**t not to care because he has a problem, the c**t what he is
  5. Woken at 7am with the doorbell, only to get up and nae c**t there
  6. Well that was fucking horrendous by Kelty, still, not as bad as the BBC coverage
  7. I just don’t understand why all you intelligent lads can’t flick past his posts or stick him on ignore Yet I don’t think I’ve ever written a post on here about it, you could learn a lot from me
  8. The absolute worst job in the world. I bought a spray gun, you spend 6 hours masking off instead, but worth it
  9. Grandbairn No6, here, Johnny Alexander arrived at 8.50pm on Sunday night, weighing in at 7’8, I’m in love
  10. Routine is very important with these kids and it just threw them off JG. The kid from Galashiels journey must have been horrendous, first on, last off. Get his mum to get a stink kicked up !! It’s the only way they listen, hopefully you get it sorted
  11. My granddaughters travel to school was totally fucked up last year. They tried with one big bus, the travel started 43 mile away, picking 5 kids up, they got to school at 11.30 ffs, 2 1/2 hours late. It was resolved quite quickly though, after the parents went off it. Penny pinching at its worst
  12. Away tae bed you Good looking food eh, I’ve heard it all now young Rob
  13. Anyone making good looking stovies is making them wrong, behave
  14. They have said they’re all finished after this one, so no chance of getting near you
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