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Everything posted by heedthebaa

  1. Couldn’t begin to describe the caramel
  2. Mumaheeds caramel shortbread, or as we call it Mars cake
  3. Aye, but you’ll be the only one sleeping with one eye open tonight
  4. the only time she speaks nice to me, is to ask for it on, so it’s worth it IMO
  5. my wife ‘watches’ Eastenders, well I say watches, more like listens. The amount of times I’ve to rewind it when something happens without dialogue is getting irritating. She would pass Phil Mitchell in the street without recognising him
  6. Apart from the grandkids thing, i’m starting to warm to it too if I’m honest, I’ll take badly going back to work
  7. Getting fucked up Fridays are just the best
  8. Well well, regardless if you were taking the piss or not, I’ve just tried it with sassage and bacon. Teckle doesn’t come close to this delight, my apologies a toastwich eh
  9. I did wonder why I had quite a few phone calls yesterday, asking if I was going back to work. They were all politely told no
  10. Me and the wife have made videos for Ava, reading her favourite books and singing her favourite songs. FaceTime is great but not really hitting the spot now, just need the cuddles now.
  11. Aye I know, we have pals last week in the same situation
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