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Everything posted by heedthebaa

  1. Have you seen what this man eats on the nom nom thread ?? I would be sending her in to get the messages as well, she has great taste in food
  2. Companies down here are getting itchy also and planning to open back up
  3. Pancakes with Nutella She’s promised me home made Frikadellers for later
  4. My life was turned upside down nine years ago, totally changing me forever. Wealth is something we would all like and I have my fair share of it, but I’d give it all up today to achieve my dreams. Seeing my family thrive is all I want now, it’s as simple as that
  5. Hopefully this c**t now changes his mindset on the NHS
  6. Thought it looked familiar, by the way your ball batter looks tremendous
  7. They’re only following the science apparently and are not to blame for anything. Also if you could stop misusing the PPE that would also help
  8. The best curry sauce I’ve come across is this one
  9. I’m very much enjoying watching Peaky fucking Blinders, not since Lost has there been such a televisual feast
  10. Back garden finally done, 23 degrees, twurrythree cans of T in the hammock, start the front garden next week
  11. From Eyemouth I hope?? No boats from here land fish I’m afraid, it’s prawns and shellfish. “Fresh Eyemouth fish” is no more
  12. Theyre called smaw huddies Scampi tonight for me, with monkfish
  13. Stopped speaking to me last night, for reasons only known to her. Fucked off to bed early without saying, ignored me this morning, then errrrr, made a tip top fry up. Alls good again, I’m content but confused
  14. Oblo’s, not my thing, should’ve went to the Fleet, opens at 8am Correct answer, too many fucking Geordies for me
  15. Nonsense, Facebook is the place to be right now. Reading the arguments and grassing of neighbours has been a great support to me through these dark times
  16. In nearly 3 weeks I’ve only stained a fence, albeit a long and high fence I’m just not feeling it. Probably get through the jobs if we’re on a 12 week lockdown
  17. Well she’s went up in my estimation over this. The CMO has fucked up and quite rightly apologised, that’s good enough for me. If she’s as good as what the FM is saying she is, then she should stay. The need to constantly crucify people for mistakes has never sat well with me
  18. Couldn’t begin to describe the caramel
  19. Mumaheeds caramel shortbread, or as we call it Mars cake
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