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Everything posted by heedthebaa

  1. Heard back from my accountant, not eligible for anything. I’ve turned down work for the last time, that’s me back to asap, I’m sitting in the house no more
  2. Just in from singing wor Vera’s song and a few beers with the neighbours, great times. Wouldn’t change it
  3. There you go lads, don’t say I’m not good to you. Sing loud and be proud
  4. Simply cheese, chopped pork/spam and tomato sauce
  5. It will be an even better experience than before. No one will come away from this shitfest unaffected, we’ll all come away appreciating the finer things in life and there’s nothing finer than grassroots football
  6. Aye you’re not doing the normal thing, but you’re both doing the right thing, respect
  7. I won’t know if to drink it or frame it tightarse
  8. I’m listening to her clapping and asking the neighbours if they’re singing we’ll meet again tomorrow night at 9 ffs
  9. Best thing I’ve done. It cost and the ground work was a chore, but I’ve hoovered and brushed it once this year
  10. Mines was blocked last week, just take the trap off, they’re plastic and only on hand tight, it will be blocked there. Found 4 cotton buds, a make up brush and hair in it
  11. Well done NJ wish I had your willpower. Kicked off here last night over alcohol, I managed to bluff my way through the argument, but know deep down she’s right
  12. This is very true, I nearly died. Got lovely white teeth now though
  13. You can apologise to @newcastle broon anytime you see fit mate
  14. The wife’s pal has been, she’s a gid yin ken
  15. You could always move it to where it belongs now, the politics forum
  16. Hopefully some decent entertainment on mine today, a pic of dog shite smeared on a car door handle, with the clarty hoor named and shamed, video evidence also
  17. Tennents, a shit load of tennents as I’ve been a good boy all week
  18. Just when you thought Thursday night clapping is the seethe of the week, along comes next Friday.
  19. We’ve had highland dancers in the streets ffs
  20. What the f**k bad memories could you have from them ??? They were awesome on toast
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