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Everything posted by heedthebaa

  1. The internet is a serious place at times The Kelty posters are a strange lot, very straight laced in what they post, aaaand then there’s @gogsy
  2. The Rangers jokes are wearing a bit thin with the Kelty lads now
  3. I had a drunken daftie knock on my car window whilst at traffic lights in the centre of Perth, to tell me my caravan lights weren’t working. I gave him the “aye cheers nae bother” to get rid of him, but jumped out for a looksee after he staggered away and he was right, I never got chance to thank him
  4. Junior supporters are aff tha heeds, apart frae that, oor shite awe smells the same aye
  5. That said,the junias have had quite a good day today with that tier 6 e-mail, a few seething in various threads
  6. Fucks sake, if more of you joonias come across there’ll be nae cup finals next season
  7. @locheeboy you seem to be enjoying yourself today
  8. We’re all nosy b*****ds in one way or another, but this, as much as I’m also intrigued as to why he’s left, is no ones business but the committees and managers shirley
  9. OMD next month, Bad Manners at the 02 academy and Rewind Scotland booked for next year
  10. Went up to babysit 3 of the granbairns tonight, the 14 month yin fell, started to cry, I picked him up, he lost his cry and went floppy in my arms. Good job the daughter in law hadn’t left yet, she blew in his face and he came round straight away. It’s got me freaked oot !!
  11. Botox has its uses, depending where you put it and why you’re using it
  12. 10 years I done, also with two sons. About to start all over again with their sons
  13. All the best to you all, one day at a time bud
  14. Hope you wore sunglasses while enjoying the views
  15. Already seen them at the sse and metro arena last couple of years and they are top drawer. Can’t get it out of my head, living thing, telephone line, evil woman, the list is endless. As you say the sound is excellent
  16. Rod Stewart for York next year apparently £200! Now, we paid £84 pre sale ELO on Tuesday night at Newcastle, can’t wait
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