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Posts posted by CM.

  1. Thought a draw was a fair result. Neither keeper really had a great deal to do that wasn't routine other than Parry's excellent save with his feet near the end. Can't really comment on the QP goal as I didn't see the scramble very well from the other end but by all accounts Parry should've done better. Despite having a mistake in him I still think he comes in for some unfair criticism. 

    Our horrid game plan of not playing the game does seem to suit the likes of Rumsby and Docherty better as they (and Splaine as mentioned earlier) aren't turning in anywhere near as bad performances as they were at the beginning of the season. Thought Livingstone had an excellent game and seems to fit in well at left mid with less defensive responsibility and has a burst of pace to get us forward too which this team desperately lacks. 

    Other than the run and foul won at the end, we'd have been as well bringing Andrew or Mortimer on than the trialist and that's saying something.


  2. 45 minutes ago, Alex_14 said:

    Won the Barclays with Wrexham. That’ll do. Starting a game with Cove Rangers, will try take them to the Cinch then probably jump ship.

    How long did that take you? 

    I decided to wipe my FM slate clean a couple of weeks ago because I wasn't properly getting into any saves (unfortunately that meant goodbye to the Kilsyth Athletic journey) so all I've been doing recently is updating all the transfers as they happen and starting a fresh Clyde save a few days ago (4th and lost in play off to QOS first season, currently 3rd midway through 2nd season). Might give something like Wrexham or another National League side a go.

  3. The summer window started off well too with Gomis. Don't think there's many that would've thought that was a poor signing. Then the same day we announced Mark Docherty (who by all accounts has had a marked improvement in recent weeks but still a big ? of a signing). 

    The season we came up I could see the thinking behind the likes of Johnston, Wallace and Smith (up there with the better L2 players) but it just didn't seem to happen for any of them. 

  4. In my save the now, this is the Scottish Championship table with 3 games left. Looking like finishing 4th in L1 so went to check who I'd likely face in the play offs. Could be fucking any of them 😂


  5. On 11/01/2022 at 01:35, craigkillie said:

    I'm sure I'll get the hang of it, but I am finding this game a fucking nightmare to get into. It's like they've taken every feature that I used all the time on FM14 and have instead made me do about 40 fucking clicks to find out the same information.

    Having said that, I've just downloaded the Rensie skin mentioned earlier in this thread and it seems a bit better. I'd still prefer a light version to a dark version but it doesn't sound like the developer is going to do that.


    There's a lighter skin on the steam workshop but it is awfully light. I tried it briefly when I first came across it and it was hurting my eyes after 10 mins. 

  6. Was at Wigan Blackburn yesterday. Rovers backup keeper had an absolute nightmare, at fault for all 3 goals. Winner was a cracking goal but his positioning was terrible. Just completely lost his confidence after his first error.

    Good atmosphere even though the ground was only about half full with 4,000ish away fans. Frustrating to lose it at the last kick after equalising only a couple of mins earlier. Rovers recent FA Cup record and record at Wigan is terrible. Out in the 1st hurdle 5 years on the trot and no wins since 2007 respectively.

  7. 3 hours ago, D'Jaffo said:

    Your literal hero in life is a rapist. You have already lost the argument mate.


    11 minutes ago, D'Jaffo said:

    Why did you have to check your notes to check you were in the thread about your own club? Bit silly of you mate.


    3 minutes ago, D'Jaffo said:

    There is no real line tbh mate but if there was I’d say rape is on the wrong side of it. However, to become properly rehabilitated the person must actually apologise and show remorse for their actions. Goodwillie hasn’t done that bit still maintained he did no wrong.

    Ange Postecoglou Addresses Mainstream Media | Celts Are Here

  8. Just now, AsimButtHitsASix said:

    Editor's free. It's the in-game editor you need to pay for

    Was just about to say that. 


    Up there on steam and check the tools box and that should make it appear.

  9. 5 minutes ago, Duffy_ said:

    Completely unrelated to your question, but what skin are you using? 

    Rensie 2022. It's on steam workshop

  10. 9 hours ago, craigkillie said:

    I'm still bumbling along on FM14, but was toying with getting the new one. However, can't see any deals whatsoever for the Mac version, seems to be the full £40 everywhere even though you can get the PC one for £28ish. Has anyone else seen it cheaper at all?

    32 on fanatical 


  11. 20 minutes ago, 1320Lichtie said:

    Was he not on about 25k a week at Blackburn? 😂 I’m sure there’ll be other reasons than the wage Clyde are giving him just now 

    Would be surprised if it was even half that figure. Even Blackburn's more established players back then I don't think would've been on any more than 30k.

  12. 12 minutes ago, haufdaft said:

    No rumours about incoming players?

    I have to admit to my naivety in thinking we would have had players lined up ready to sign immediately in January.

    The reality is we'll probably be waiting for 18 year old, old firm kids in the last year of their contacts to take on loan.


    A couple of names were doing the rounds in December but seems to have gone quiet on that front. 

    I do hope that our recent up turn in form doesn't cloud Lennon's judgement over the current squad. There are still several positions need strengthened badly.

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