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Everything posted by Hedgecutter

  1. How is it possible to wash a stained shirt and remove the stains without removing anything else, eh?
  2. I know, but he asked why it would be a problem and so I answered.
  3. I quite often do that just to show it's quicker. I'd like to think that I've burned off a few calories over the course of my life by doing this. I can understand coffin dodgers using them as an aid though.
  4. If you block the escalators in London then you get stabbed or shot. Stand on the right if you're a lazy b*****d leaving space on the left for others to walk up. It's one of the few things I like about London.
  5. A mate of mine has a dodgy looking University of Norwich student card which I've sometimes used to get into Pittodrie if there's a midweek game on. Although we look nothing like each other, he has specs too and so as soon as a hat goes on, the guys at the turnstyle don't notice. Concession ticket's still a rip off there though. I think my old NUS card had my date of birth on it although if you were under 18 when you joined uni, your first year card had 'Under 18' right over it in nice noticeable red lettering. A lot of folk tried to scratch them off but bouncers were onto them and gave our normal ones a good thorough check at times. Speaking of bouncers, another hate of mine (I know I've had two already today, sorry) are those that have you waiting in queues out in the rain when the club's not actually full so that they make the place look more popular than it is. Additionally, those that claim it's full and can't let anyone else in on health and safety grounds, only to let folk in straight after because they know 'John' who works on the bar. In fact, just bouncers in general. At least you can now get half loafs in some places. I remember trying to do the food shopping for one and it was a nightmare. Everything seems to come in multiples or family packs these days so no wonder there's so much food wastage in this country. I had a buy one get one free on bread last week and the cashier thought I was weird that I only wanted the one loaf (I struggle to finish just the one normally). I did my good deed for the day and asked the wifey behind if she wanted a free loaf but she said that she had one already. At least I tried.
  6. I'm off to Denver on Thursday and had a moment of dread there... although ironically I just remembered that it'll be one of the few moments I'll have my passport on me anyway. Don't feel comfortable leaving it in my hotel room or wherever when abroad.
  7. Like many, I've got a shitey, super mild form of epilepsy meaning I can't even get a provisional, never mind a full drivers licence. Cheers to you and your green dot buddy for that. Most bars in student cities accept them to get in (otherwise some places get f*** all business) but because of this, most students just presume that they're proper forms of ID and that they can be used anywhere. On a tangent, I like it when students show their card and ask for student concession at non-studenty town grounds and get told "f**k off, yer an adult here sonny!".
  8. Saturday was the final straw so was looking into them yesterday. Cost about £20. I won't be going back to uni just to get an ID card though! Anyway, enough on that. Todays gripe is on the people on my bus who get up waaaay to early for our stop and give me a dodgy look as they walk past like I'm some lazy git. And people that listen to music far too loud on the bus (9/10 it's metal). I could hear their music over mine FFS.
  9. Don't know what the problem is? For folk like me it can basically spoil an away day or a night out for myself and others unless you walk about with a passport which I won't be doing as if it goes missing then I'm fcuked for work. There's been times none of my mates have been served because I've been IDed before them and it's incredibly embarrassing and demoralising when folk 10 years younger in the supporters club can get a drink or a coupon and I can't. I appreciate I'm one of the small minority who gets shafted here because the IDers just assume that everyone over 20 has a drivers licence. Take those away and what ID does everyone carry about with them? That's right, f**k all.
  10. No doubt my brother has managed to swindle this somehow. As a student at Aberdeen uni, he was always making train trips 'home' every second week to East End Park before firing up north again at full time.
  11. Never agreed with travel expenses. Is this from SAAS or added to your loan or whatever? If it's the first, anything outside of uni is your own responsibility IMO. Self-proclaimed independent teenagers taking washing 100 miles away on the train to get washed at mummy's is also another of my many pet hates, although student halls see shitty token operated washing machines as a way off making profit which is nothing less than scandalous.
  12. Aye, I can understand that. It's just a sad state of affairs when you need to fork out £20 and apply for one of those shitty teeny bopper citizen card things at my age just because you can't get a drivers licence and don't want to take a passport on an away day. I know Fife's a separate kingdom and all but come on. At the moment I might just have to bite the bullet and get one of those cards. I can't go anywhere and buy booze with my brother these days. He's 22 and has ID but because if he gets IDed around me then for some reason they need to ID me as well. "I know you're well over 18 but I still need to ask because I asked him" - young bint at Aldi in last month when I got off the packed, boozeless East Coast train to grab some beers and grab the next quiter train up to Aberdeen which also never had a trolley!!!
  13. Never abused anyone but I muttered 'f**k sake' and walked away when I got IDed at the bookies on Saturday morning. Now the wifey probably thinks I'm under 18 as a result of not putting up a fight at all. Once they ask, there is no way back. I'm twenty fucking eight and pop in most weekends but because it's Freshers Week they're all at it.
  14. My original degree was MEng Electric and Electronic Engineering with a dip. in management and was to be fully SAAS funded. That was in 2002 though (f**k I'm getting old!)
  15. 15-20 min walk if I remember right. There is a station across the road from the ground though!
  16. "We are the loyal, Dunfermline loyal, Fcuk Falkirk and George O'Boyle..." Still gets sung by all ages whenever I end up at EEP, as recent as the Motherwell game. What kicked it off in the first place?
  17. Why do Dunfermline fans hate George O'Boyle so much (still)???
  18. Look at a map of the world upside down and marvel at how weird it looks. Who decided to draw it that way up anyway??!
  19. The girl opposite me on the bus (one of these coach ones) just spewed her guts out so wtf happens now? Just wondering as I was close to that a few months ago when I was coming home from work early but I managed to keep my dignity intact. This must surely happen occassionally with folk who are travelsick, albeit this one just looks hungover and pathetic. Getting the driver to make her eat / lick it back up herself would be my preference.
  20. There's even a wiki page that's been made up just for Supras. Clicky
  21. Also, what's the proper way to pour a cup of tea with milk and sugar - does the milk or sugar go in first? Personally I put the milk in first but it seems to be a controversial choice here in the office regarding heat and water solubility. That's what you get working around scientists in the loosest sense of the word.
  22. If it's all random, is there any less chance those numbers will come up again than another random selection? I'd imagine not but if a statistician were to enlighten me, that would be great. Was arguing with a mate in a casino the other week when 7 reds had come through on the roulette and he claimed black had a better chance of winning as a result. He then won £40 on black!
  23. Doctors wrote me out the wrong bloody prescription dosage yesterday seeing as GP's and specialists can't seem to communicate whenever something gets changed. You've just reminded me to phone up and get it sorted, cheers!
  24. Not a big reader myself but just got my way through 'The Stratigraphic Nomenclature of the Netherlands' after starting a couple of months ago. A belter of a read.
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