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Everything posted by beefybake

  1. I wonder what those assurances were that the Government gave to Nissan way back just after the referendum ? Not really looking worth the paper they might have been written on, right now.
  2. Eh, what..? She speaks well, in the way that confident, assertive, impeccably educated Oxbridge types often do. They can sound convincing for that alone. Really, she's just another political reporter, hanging around with a bad crowd. And her leanings are broadly Conservative. In much the same way as , for example, Nick Robinson, . Except he barely bothers to try to conceal it.
  3. I'm waiting for the day when a stray microphone picks ups Barnier, or Tusk... murmering... "They can gtf....."
  4. So what next, aafter the Not really. Government receives the gtf yet again from the EU when May goes back to them. DUP doesn't even represent the majority in Northern Ireland. ERG represent only a faction within their party. Result ... government basically collapses as parliament rises up. to produce.... an instruction to the government to extend the deadline. Parliament will not allow a No Deal .
  5. I've lived in Somerset for 15 years. I've needed a dentist twice. The first time 11 years ago I had to phone up the county council hot line to find a dentist prepared to do NHS work. They found one.., a 40 mile round trip. The second time, 2 years ago, I managed to finally get off the waiting list for a dentist that did NHS work in my local area. That's England for you. On a more upbeat note.... my sister married a dentist. Both now long retired, and affluent, to a beautiful Scottish island. Years ago, when he was working, I visited for a few days. They told me about a chap that had injured his mouth, teeth in a car accident. He came to my brother in law in a bit of a mess. Bruv just about rebuilt his mouth. Bloke was really grateful, and brought round a large quantity of the very best fillet steak. He was the local butcher. And we... bruv, sister, their kids and me.., sat down to just about the most memorable steak dinner, chips, onion rings... the whole caboodle.. All for free...
  6. Flint looked quite pumpable on that clip. Just saying..... Yes. Never thought I'd ever say that about her tbh.
  7. That's precisely where some of us might be headed. Rees Moggs family money through the generations comes from their mine-owning interests in the former Somerset Coalfield. There's a story somewhere about a young assistant to a government minister during the General Strike of 1926, which began with 1.2 million miners being locked out for refusing to accept wage cuts. After a fractious meeting with union leaders...., the assistant said to the minister... " What horrible, loud people....". Which brought the reply... " You haven't met the mine owners yet.".
  8. I don't think so. Most of the time, most of us are just trying to earn a living, raise a family...... And what you're sidestepping ..., and justifying, is top down government.
  9. Just for the record, I voted Remain, and still would. Within the link above , one of the subjects is 'acres'., and the apparent 'banning' of it by the EU. Here is the link.. https://blogs.ec.europa.eu/ECintheUK/acres-outlawed-by-brussels-2/ Right at the bottom is the rebuttal, which basically says that 'Hectare' as a replacement term for 'acre' has been used by the British government, and the Land Registry for 20 years in official records., and that the EU thing was only making official what was already established practice. Or to be more exact, the extension of this would now be that private landowners, and estate agents, could still refer to 'acres', but would also have to include 'hectares' in ads etc. The thing is, which is what a large part of what Brexit is all about, the average Joe, has had no input, or part in all this. Politics, government, officialdom .... far from the citizens. And media like the Telegraph, the Sun ... instead of asking questions , which is what proper journalism is actually about...... they just feed peoples' fears and prejudices.
  10. "... There is only one party in the United States, the Property Party ... and it has two right wings: Republican and Democrat. Republicans are a bit stupider, more rigid, more doctrinaire in their laissez-faire capitalism than the Democrats, who are cuter, prettier, a bit more corrupt – until recently ... and more willing than the Republicans to make small adjustments when the poor, the black, the anti-imperialists get out of hand. But, essentially, there is no difference between the two parties." — Gore Vidal
  11. I didn't hear all of it, and it may have been part of the same broadcast... I heard Brexiter Peter Lilley being interviewed on BBC R4 this morning. He was almost babbling, like someone living on another planet. Absolute inability, or refusal , to face truth in the eye.
  12. And he sounds like he's been eating them . Mushrooms , that is.
  13. I quite like Tesco's steak pies. The other lot ? Tax evading lowlifes.., they can gtf.
  14. Not so easy, given Labour's acquiescence, and sometimes downright complicity, in Conservative austerity measures, welfare cuts. In fact most of the Westminster political establishment have been complicit,
  15. Yes, he generally does sound very reasonable. I always recall some TV thing years ago when he described walking through Afghanistan, meeting with many of the local people. And he said how he got on so well with them, and understood them etc... It's just that underneath it all, he reminded me of one those 19th century British colonial adventurers..... who expressed such admiration for the 'ways of the natives'...., but if the 'natives' got a bit uppity..., out comes the burning of villages etc.
  16. Germany in 1919 was mayhem, with a new government of social democrats trying to establish itself. Rosa Luxemburg supported a communist uprising with the aim of trying to create a set up similar to Bolshevik Russia. In the circumstances of the time, probably very much a moot point as to who betrayed who.
  17. Perhaps ( bold type ) that's part of it all. I haven't a clue who 'my' MEP is. Completely invisible to me. I know who my constituency MP is, I know what he says. I know how he votes at Westminster. ( Tory sc*mbag). He lives approximately 300 yards from me. But the MEP. I think of MEP's as just party hacks who've oiled themselves into a highly lucrative position , far away, and over whom I have zero influence or involvement. Invisible. Something has to change in the relationship between a citizen and the MEP who supposedly represents him.
  18. I don't view Westminster politics as grown up. Adversarial, yaboo politics more like. As the Government and Tory party are in disarray, to some extent he hardly needs to utter much more than 'incompetent' and 'failure'. Corbyn doesn't look at all worn down to me. For example, the most obvious successful result today, of refusing to attend a meeting with May unless May confirms that No Deal is not an option, is that May and the chancellor Hammond have been publically exposed , and prised apart, in their statements of what is or isn't government policy.
  19. Tempting, but.... by the way I've been reading the report ( daily mall ) about Rees Mogg's big champaigne party after voting down May's proposals the other night ( seems so long ago now ) and thought that with the slicked across hair, the oratory, the 30's style double breasted jacket, if you added a little top lip moustache, he'd look just like.........
  20. Why..? What it says to me is confirmation that the only place Westminster governments, and in particular, Tory Westminster governments....put infrastructure investments into... is London, and to a lesser extent... the South East.
  21. Only reached across for a h*nd job, nothing more.
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