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Posts posted by wuffster

  1. 46 minutes ago, ayrunitedfw said:

    FWIW, If the season was to start tomorrow with the squads as they are I think we would stay up however if we are serious about having a successful season then we simply need 3 or 4 starters and they all need to be a success 

    I agree with this. I was/am sceptical of the Hopkin appointment but I enjoyed watching Ayr on Tues (not so much v Edin C). Lots of endeavour with precious little guile but a plan. Teams have stayed up with less. Interesting season ahead!

  2. 42 minutes ago, diegomarahenry said:

    right now, with the signings made in the Ayr/Morton hybrid - Ayrton - we could end up 9th based on last season. 
    I was shot down by some folk on here this time last year for saying Kerr wasn’t up to it, standards had slipped and we needed to get back on track before we dropped out the top 4. I couldn’t see us getting better and we needed to build on McCalls momentum. I was met with the same arguments here, we’ve always been shite, we’ve always been yo-yo etc.A year on, we avoided relegation on goal difference and have lost out on players to Morton and QOTS. One of our players chose junior over staying at the club. 
    it didn’t have to be like this and it doesn’t have to be like this. All the shoulder shrugging “we’ve always been pish” chat needs to stop.


    You don't get to blame this on Kerr. Hopkin not mentioned once in your post.


    10 minutes ago, Finlay21 said:

    Well done to the winners , and a specially well done to AUFC1910 for bringing a bit of normality back to the forum 

    Nice to see you back @Finlay21. Your last post read a bit like a forum resignation (however temporary).

    5 hours ago, Finlay21 said:

    This forum is now getting as depressing as SRE ( which I have not visited since the week after Kerr took over )  , enjoy the season when it comes along 

    Who is the owner going to start a beef with this week?

  4. 14 minutes ago, AUFC 1910 said:

    To cheer everyone up - I’m giving away 2 x mounted “Somerset Road End” prints away to our Ayr P&B posters.

    All you need to do is post your best and worst ever Ayr players you have seen in the flesh.

    I’ll pick winners later tonight and get them posted tomorrow 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻

    What a generous offer! Difficult one. Present day v Early days supporting? I missed most games in arguably our most successsful spell in recent history...

    Best - John Sludden Lawrence Shankland (goals! goals! goals! More with the heart than the head.)

    Worst - Kevin Kyle (Abject.)

  5. 14 minutes ago, rgreig said:

    The most frustrating thing is the lack of improvement over the season. Basic technical things are poor - there is no excuse for not being able to deliver a high resolution stream at a good frame rate, particularly after having months to sort it out.

    Camera position may be harder but I still don't really see why it is impossible to resolve given that no fans are in the ground.

    The fact that the club isn't pushing to get this resolved does look like weak management - this is the only way supporters get to see their team therefore they need to realise how important it is.

    I agree 100%. 

    <I typed out a whole moan before deleting it. The bottom line is that Ayr fans have been poorly served for years and crucially have been failed this season.>

    By being involved instead of walking away a few seasons ago I'm complicit as well. Thoroughly disheartening.

  6. 2 hours ago, rb123! said:

    The highlights afterwards were in full HD yet the shitty stream is about 240p quality, why not get @wuffster who knows about this stuff to assist the club instead of trying to plough on themselves.


    1 hour ago, Ayr23 said:

    The streaming service has been embarrassing, culminating with that effort on Tuesday night.

    I'll take the blame for the pictures on Tuesday night. I left the main camera to a less experienced operator (using an unfamiliar camera) when the light conditions were the trickiest you get at Somerset (setting sun and deep shadow through to darkness and floodlights).  That's on me, I should have operated the main camera as I have done most of the season.

    There's been plenty more than that wrong with our stream offering this season unfortunately. The fact that most lower league clubs have been able to produce quite good services should give the Club, and others, some pause. Putting what content we have behind a paywall looks like a fool's errand unless changes are made.

  7. 1 hour ago, callum-ayr said:

    What a mess Kerr has left us in. Can say what we want about Hopkins tactics, but the team is absolute gubbins.


    6 minutes ago, Mod1967 said:

     this predicament wasn't of Hopkins making, the inexperienced duo left a strange squad

    I imagine the same excuse will be trotted out after every defeat for the next 18 months? Easier than defending the team selection and tactics today though.

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