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Aberdeen Cowden

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Everything posted by Aberdeen Cowden

  1. Do you really think Peterhead would have let McAllister go if he offered something? Couldn’t believe the excitement at Cove when he signed.
  2. Bit rich from a supporter of a team that had Marsh playing for them.
  3. Well done Elgin, hope your away dressing room didn’t get trashed.
  4. Aye, he’s still having problems with his footing in the box.
  5. Never confident against Stenny, no matter what the relative league positions are.
  6. Someone tell the keeper that he doesn't have to kick the ball every time he gets hold of it. He could throw it to one of our players to start an attack.
  7. Why does someone not tell him to throw the ball to one of our players instead.
  8. I’m no Cove fan but it would do McInnes no harm to watch them play.
  9. That’s right. I can only go by what I’ve seen. How many times have you watched Brechin this season?
  10. I've herd this question asked to the chairman twice and both times hes refused to answer it which makes me think there isn't a plan If Brechin did end up playing Kelty they (Brechin) would win easily. I’ve seen Kelty a couple of times this season and they certainly aren’t as good as Cove were when they played Berwick. Have faith.
  11. It's not the fans who are embarrassing your club, it's the arse---- "officials" and, certainly in the past some of the players.
  12. Yes they have a good team but their management are utter dross.
  13. They only scored one though. We never scored any.
  14. Queens scored a great goal against Cowden at CP some years ago.Can't remember who it was but it was from the halfway line. Hope that isn't repeated today.
  15. Was hopeless at Cowden. Never could understand why Cove signed him.
  16. Oh dear, just the type of “player” Brechin don’t want.
  17. Nothing wrong with the way Brechin played 2nd half. Surprised your pensioners lasted. Looked much better than Stenny.
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