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Aberdeen Cowden

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Everything posted by Aberdeen Cowden

  1. Let’s hope the colour of the socks is the worst problem we have.
  2. Bayview is permanently cold, even in summer, fans are always sitting in the shade. But nowhere is as cold as Balmoral - even when it’s sunny!
  3. Rory has been a great player over the years. So sad to see how poor he has become. Peterhead did well to get anything for him. Hopefully, if it is an injury problem he can get himself fit again.
  4. Dougie Hill has left so could be his replacement You could do a lot worse. Thought he would have remained with Aberde3n.
  5. He was a target for Peterhead two days ago! Wonder what dad has to say about that. I’d have him back at Cowden though. If he plays alongside Dougie, they’ll never both finish a game.
  6. Correct. Three Stirling players!!! And not any of Cove’s best.
  7. Don’t think social distancing would be a problem for Cowden or Brechin!
  8. Why should Dunfermline, Falkirk and Dundee be playing in the top league? Just because they have been good in the past? There are plenty other teams that, historically, have been very good.
  9. Correct. Hearts pointing the finger at everyone else. They and they alone are responsible for their league position. If they had finished higher up the league they wouldn’t be giving a toss about reconstruction. If they or anyone else is pushing for changes, make their thoughts/ ideas known before the 21/22 season starts.
  10. Never realised how thick English was, he’s been getting pelters on other threads too. As for Craig, he really didn’t seem to realise that it wasn’t just about Hearts and to think he was the Scotland manager. As someone else said Donald didn’t even get out of second gear. It’s not just Cowden fans who should listen but all football fans.
  11. Dear, dear did you even understand it. English didn’t.
  12. Threatened by Levein! https://www.bbc.co.uk/sounds/play/p08h145s
  13. Nothing to do with Budge. Don’t you understand what this is about?
  14. Neil McCann (who?) says it’s OK a great idea, aye right.
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