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Aberdeen Cowden

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Everything posted by Aberdeen Cowden

  1. We need two midfielders and two forwards and a left back. Easy. ( and hope Brechin don’t improve)
  2. Wouldn’t worry about it. We beat them playing with ten men for most of the game.
  3. Coverage excellent, the best I’ve seen so far. Commentary a bit meh though. Said weeks ago we wouldn’t win a game before Christmas, haven’t seen anything to change my mind. Did Stirling only have one ball?
  4. Had some decent results against Stirling in recent times but we’ll need a big improvement to get anything or even score sadly.
  5. Give it a rest. Just when we’ve got rid of Clyde.
  6. We need someone who can shoot! Another game with next to no shots on target or even off target. We were under pressure for so much of the game our only out was a big punt up the park.
  7. CP has always had good drainage. If the game is off so will many others.
  8. It’s been done to death now. However, if you can get a look at the tackle again have a look at the Elgin player just before the tackle. There’s no way Ross was going to get past him with or without the ball. Maybe just a rush of blood to the head and I’m sure no malice was intended but it was bad, very bad. Such a shame because it wasn’t a dirty game.
  9. A couple of Elgin fans seem to be making it up as they go along.
  10. You’ve nailed it. Almost all Elgin’s attacks were coming down our right hand side. If Renton is fit that should at least give us a bit more threat but don’t know who could play alongside him. We really are missing Coxy, we won’t get a replacement easily. And Glass did have another good game.
  11. No problems if it’s a fair tackle. Don’t think you’d be too pleased if it had been one of your players.
  12. Yes. Were you there?I was. Cowden were several goals up at the time ( if my memory is correct)
  13. Why tackle someone like that with two minutes to go, risking a ban, injuring a player in a game that was already won? As most neutrals would say. Was a real shame, I enjoyed most of the game even if some of the referee’s decision were odd, the coverage and commentary were excellent and all precautions taken by the club looked very good but that will all be overshadowed by what happened at the end.
  14. And Elgin have history of ruining another Cowden’s player career.
  15. There were only a few minutes to go, the game was over, Elgin were out of sight but because of an idiotic tackle Cowden have lost a player, probably for a long time. Sending a player off would have made no difference to the score. Bollan would quite rightly be raging at losing a player (we don’t have many) for no reason.
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