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Aberdeen Cowden

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Everything posted by Aberdeen Cowden

  1. If the Scottish Government don’t get their act together , we won’t be playing any football for some time.
  2. If Nippy and the SG don't get their pals sorted out and do what they did in Aberdeen there won't be any fitba for us this season.
  3. Good keeper, did well until he got injured. Would have taken him back.
  4. Don’t waste your time on that dick. Doesn’t have a clue.
  5. So we’ll score six against the Czechs eh?
  6. When was it anything different? Just nowhere near good enough. The usual excuses just don’t wash any more. Support the rugby team, might not be the best but never short of effort.
  7. Great news that Todd Is back. He improved massively last season.
  8. Would have taken Bollan back. We must have some really good targets.
  9. Any news on new players/retained players, loans? Will we get anyone from Hearts or has Levein stuck the knife in?
  10. Punishing and shaming footballers disproportionately harshly "because other people might try and copy them" isn't really how justice normally works, though. Outside the Court of Social Media Drama Queens, that is. It’s about how life works. Do you really not know what this is all about? Lives!
  11. Because others see them and think it’s alright, ken. Even heard folk outside a pub, very close to Aberdeen last night saying “if they can do it so can we” they were outside and distanced. You are correct about the folk moving about but they weren’t all standing on each other’s toes waiting to get in to an establishment.
  12. New Zealand, 100 days since last Covid case and playing rugby to packed stadiums. What are they doing differently?
  13. Have to say that " the statement " is embarrassing. They seem to be intent in making a bad situation worse.
  14. At least the Dons players will have plenty time to get themselves fit before their next game, whenever that might be.
  15. Not half, well deserved. The club have reminded players of their obligations. Really ? Is that it?
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