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Aberdeen Cowden

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Everything posted by Aberdeen Cowden

  1. You keep harping on about importing Covid -19 from England and Spain. Covid is everywhere.
  2. Surely Aberdeen will win this one.Or at least score?
  3. The weather. How many games would we have been able to play if this had been a “ normal” season? All games weathered off would have had to have been played. And, we wouldn’t have been playing a game tomorrow either. It’s about not giving up hope just yet.
  4. Wonder what the would have happened if there had been no pandemic. There wouldn’t have been many games played in the lower leagues since Christmas. All is not yet lost, wishful thinking?
  5. The way the weather has been this year, we wouldn’t have played many more games if our football had been allowed.
  6. Coxy scored many important goals for Cowden but did have a very short fuse. Some opposition players took advantage of that sadly. Wish him all the best, he always gave 100%
  7. Surely there are some players in the lower leagues that could fill the role that Cosgrove had. If not, Scottish fitba is in a poor state.
  8. I’ve seen Hester quite a few times he’s always looked dangerous even when he hasn’t scored, he really could play at a higher level. Would be an excellent addition to Aberdeen’s squad. Always thought Cosgrove was a haddie most of the time.
  9. Shame, maybe his best days are behind him now. He was some player in his time. Would have loved to see him and Hemmings playing for Aberdeen.
  10. Thanks, fingers crossed he makes a full recovery.
  11. To be fair, QOS played very well. Nothing wrong with being ambitious, look at Cove.
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