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honestly united

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Everything posted by honestly united

  1. Chris Harris Nominated for Try of year, full list below
  2. Eloise - Dammed Gloria - Van Morrison Valery - Mark Ronson Evangeline - icicle works Sheila take a bow - the smiths
  3. The problem Scotland have is that we never seem likely to score from pick and go's on the goal line. If it was NZ, Ireland, SA, France, England and even Wales or Argentina you expect them to get at least 1, if not 2 or 3 tries from those opportunities on the goal line, yet Scotland just cough up the ball. Until we start taking those we wont be beating the top teams regularly. Yes we play some brilliant rugby and score great tries, but we are still missing the basics
  4. Like all world class players he just looks like he has loads of time on the ball, and everything seems really easy. He just brings in other players so well with the little offloads
  5. Makes a huge difference when we are not getting pinged every 5 minutes. Disciplne has been good, forwards have been working hard, we have a chance to win this.
  6. Should have told him he played stand off at school....
  7. Can only think he wants more physicality in the centres. Otherwise apart from swapping Brown with Ashman thats probably how I would have gone
  8. Its definetly a coaching issue, back then we actually had a style of play and everyone knew what they were doing. We then went to the fastest team in the world then best defence, to having no idea what our style of play is supposed to be
  9. Kinghorn Tuipolotu at 10/12 when we could have had Russell and Redpath is just depressing The fact that all of Tuiplotu's best games for Glasgow have been at 13, yet I dont think he has played there at all for Scotland is probably again down to Toonie's stuborness. Its going to be a sickener if he somehow starts Russells but pairs him with Stafford McDowall at 12 or something
  10. From reading this, https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/rugby-union/63554592 It sounds like the slim chance of getting Mercer moves down to zero if he is speaking to the England set up on a weekly basis
  11. I think were looking worse than last week
  12. Apart from the Kennelis Bennet mob I've thought the signings have all been of a really high standard. However its a bit like playing football manager with unlimited money and you sign 10 top class strikers then wonder how you shoe horn them into your team / keep them all happy. However when you see the amount of people out missing at the moment through injury, Adam Cole, Darius Martin, Adam Page, Scorpio Sky, Kyle O'Reilly, Christian and Santana or suspension / asked for leave in Andrade, Malachai Black, Punk, Omega, Kingston, Jeff Hardy, The Bucks its half the roster nearly I agree they need another show that is ROH centric, im happy to blur the lines and and have FTR defending ROH title on Dynamite etc, or Dalton Castle on Rampage etc but it feels now like its all title matches and no decent build. Also have to say that was some 2 finger salute to Punk having Colt come out
  13. GT ignored Ritchie for years when he was in decent form, he's looked well off the pace this year yet is now starting. You wonder if he has taken some slack for drafting Young into the team when he wasnt even in the squad last week ahead of the other 2nd rows and thought he better make it up to them?
  14. Its only 1 stand, that is replacing the old Kop thats not been in use for years isnt it? It was all seated when Ayr visted about 5 years or so ago, and disbaled fans are already in the main stand.
  15. There's been some excellent DC TV in Doom Patrol and the first few seasons of Titans (3rd wasnt as good), Constantine was also really good, and the Arrowverse started well but I think they suffered in the movies from having to many different people doing different things. Gotham, Pennyworth etc are all also pretty decent and play into the material from a different perspective Marvel have struggled getting the XMen, Spiderman, Fantastic 4 etc back under their control but they do seem to have a single vision of where they are going, with DC it doesnt seem joined up, or any clue as to what they are doing. They could probably do with a complete re-boot and starting again, but would anyone want the 4th Batman origin story, or the 3rd Superman origin story etc. Marvel have also managed to have the same people playing the characters on TV and then brought them into the Movies, and also had consistent actors across movies, whereas DC for example had different actors playing the same character at the same time on TV and the movies which just feels disjointed.
  16. To be fair to Kinghorn, i think that was actually his best game at 10 for Scotland, however the bar wasnt set very high. As has been said before his kicking was poor, his defence is "gate" like at times, but he has speed (except in defence where it looks like he is running backwards at times) and size and actually a decent range of passing at touches at times. I would have him as 3rd choice for a worlc cup squad as he then offers options at 10, wing and fullback but I wouldnt want him starting games infront of Russell or Hastings. If you take the result at face value, losing by 1 point to Oz and missing a very kickable penalty in the last minute should be seen as a adecent performace with half a team. However we have beaten them the last 4 times, and had chances to win that. Our lineout has been very poor for some time - this time last year we lost vs SA as we lost 3 in a row and went from 3 points down to 10 in less than a minute from camped on their 5m line. Doesnt look like we acutally work on it at all
  17. Forbes is OK, I would maybe say better than Smith at this point, and I thought he looked good in the first few games for Glasgow, but McKay has started the last couple of games and I would say its a noticeable upgrade when he plays. I would say Forbes - really good pro player, but McKay international class. Not to say he is better than Hogg, just he wouldnt look out of place (ie not a liability like some others) playing 15 for Scotland.
  18. Scotland: Ollie Smith, Darcy Graham, Mark Bennett, Sione Tuipulotu, Duhan van der Merwe, Blair Kinghorn, Ali Price; Pierre Schoeman, Dave Cherry, Zander Fagerson, Sam Skinner, Grant Gilchrist, Jamie Ritchie (capt), Hamish Watson, Matt Fagerson. Replacements: George Turner, Jamie Bhatti, WP Nel, Glen Young, Jack Dempsey, George Horne, Ross Thompson, Damien Hoyland.
  19. Im not a fan of Tuipolotu at 12, hardly if ever plays there for Glasgow, and hasnt had one good game there for Scotland (form and game time anyone) but unless they go with McDowall there isnt much choice. Full back is looking like an issue, when does McKay become Scottish? Smith can be hit or miss, I would probably prefer to see kinghorn there as he is a decent fullback
  20. Also wondering what Sam Johnson has done given McDowall has got a call up I'm front of him
  21. I went to a couple of the early games at Cov and they were full houses or very close to it. Whats done them is the debenture scheme the used to pay off the stadium originally was due to be repaid this year, and they somehow thought that the holders wouldnt want the 35m back they were owed!! Obviously Covid has had a huge impact on there income (they get a decent amount through the conference facilities, hotel, concerts etc) but dont think it would have been 35m worth
  22. Your right, I just quickly checked the table and didnt realise they had aready taken Worcester out, so 1 up and no further relegation makes 12
  23. Looks like Wasps could be gone as well, with this weekends game vs Exeter off https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/rugby-union/63232043 Will make it interesting whether they block promotion and stick at 10, or 1 up and have an 11 team season next year - long way to go but looks like Ealing and Jersey are going to be the top 2. I can imagine 1 up then gives the chance to get the Wasp and Worcester back up next year. to go back to 12
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