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honestly united

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Posts posted by honestly united

  1. Anyone been to Parc Asterix? It's about 30 miles north of Paris and it's not fucking Disney. No idea what it's like but I'd imagine a few pagan bars about.

    Been about 3 times and it's my favourite theme park, rides are excellent nowhere near as busy as Disney, foods loads cheaper, and the Gaulish village is excellent. It helps if you've read a load of the comics which I had as a kid, but even if you haven't it's not hard to get into. Good mix of bigger rides for older kids, and smaller ones for younger kids, a few shows which are all in French but not hard to follow what's going on.
  2. Further update on the Super 6


    Seems 7 different groups have come forward and expressed and interest which is good.

    Reading between the lines, all the clubs that have come forward have stated they still want to run an amateur club which will still be in the top level, and in some area's (at least one) a group of clubs have expressed an interest in having a pro club. Also good that it looks like all the academy scotland players are going to be involved and allocated a club, for too long our promising youngsters have been starved of decent game time - we are still seeing players emerging at 24/25, as they dont get the game time, when it should be 21/22.

    Still sounds like they have no idea what the fixture list will look like, I had assumed they would have put them all forward for the B&I Cup, but sounds more likely that they are trying to organise something else, but I cant see any other clubs being that interested, unless its the European Trophy

  3. I think the Glasgow team will be a bit of a mixture going by recent interviews. Guys like Hogg and turner back from injury and suspension needing game time, Russell and gray probably rested, but still wanting to win as moral boost ahead of potential pro14 playoff games, finals. Will be interesting selection to day the least

  4. From reading the article Melrose have not made up there mind. The whole everyone else has to be amateurs could push the border sides to setting up their own league if the SRU are not careful, as the club's that are left behind won't want to lose their best players to the super 6 but if they are not allowed to pay how can they keep them, so a border semi pro/ some get paid some dont league may be set up to keep Melrose gala Jed etc happy

  5. SRU are already using it for U20 and women's teams, and has been said no bigger than Scotstoun. I think Scotstoun is a decent location for Glasgow just needs to be about 5k bigger capacity, 15k would be ideal

  6. That's was pretty dreadful but has been coming in the league, fair play to Edinburgh, stuck in a Nd played a good game when down to 14. Big call taking off Watson who had started well but came off for them.

  7. Got to agree that Edinburgh will edge it up front, and I think it will be close at half time, but Glasgow should get the win with Finn and Niko coming off the bench. Also good to see Kebble back in the squad.

    I get the feeling that Rennie is giving Horne a run to see if he is going to be good enough to be the first choice 10 next season, or whether he needs to look elsewhere. I personally think e is good enough as cover, but not first choice. I can see Hastings get a decent run at some point to.

  8. Whatever happened to the group that had something etched on their head (were they the wolves or something) that invaded Alexandria - I remember carol and morgan fighting over killing one, then they just seemed to disappear overnight and then we had the saviours storyline.

    I had thought that that would come to something interesting as well, but seemed to fizzle out without finding out who they were, where they were from or what they after and who was in charge of them.  For me since they got to Alexandria it has been a bit dull. There has been the quary, and a few other incidents that have been ok, but on the whole its been a bit rubbish.

  9. Caught the end of the La Rochelle vs Wasps game yesterday. Post match was all about how far can La Rochelle go in the Cup, given they pay a quite expansive game - compared to the rest of the french teams and the like of the Irish and English teams.

    You had Odriscoll and Dallallgio in the studio pretty much saying you cant win in the later stages of Europe playing an open expansive game, you need a team that can get their noses in front, then shut down the opposition to see the game out, and as much as I hate to admit it, that is exactly the problem with Glasgow in Europe, we dont control games enough. Even in the league, we haven't controlled the games enough and are just relying on outscoring teams, which in the league we are managing fine, but in Europe, when teams are putting out their best XV we are struggling.

    I think we could do with a better balance (as much as I love the attacking flair from Price and Russell), as there are times when kicking into the 22 and playing the corners is as effective as trying to run it at the half way looking for gaps. I think it is about getting the balance and playing in the right area's.

  10. 51 minutes ago, afca32 said:

    Good to see Rennie recognising George Horne and Pyrgos' respective form.  Not expecting anything from tomorrow, it's not a strong bench and Montpellier have a freakishly good team. Still, you never know with Glasgow.

    Apart from the 2nd and back row cover, thats about as good a bench as we can put out at the moment,

    And apart from Dunbar, can think of anyone else not injured who should be starting

  11. 4 hours ago, ajwffc said:

    After his red card v Glasgow Cardiff's Taufa’ao Filise has received a 3 week ban(reduced from 6 due to previous behaviour) by a Pro14 disciplinary board.



    Same as Kepu got for his red card vs Scotland - and his was much worse than Filise, who I thought was a harsh red as more accidental than malicious, whereas Kepu's was deliberate.

  12. 16 minutes ago, Torpar said:

    Toronto seemed to be a raging success in their first season, crowds were steadily good, all the games were on tv, albeit on an obscure games channel, they regularly featured on the all local news shows and I quite often spot people wearing Wolfpack hats etc. A lot of Canadian rugby fans don't seem get hung up on which code they are watching and are just fans of Rugby in general (a lot of causal fans don't know the difference).  I'd say the whole novelty value of it all was a big part of why they got good crowds, as well as the whole game experience they put on, food and beer etc. And the fact that league is a summer sport meant it didn't clash with NHL/NBA/NFL (the Jays were awful so there wasn't a lot of interest there) Be interested to see where they play if they do get to Superleague, they currently play in a pretty horrible looking  city owned public stadium  which during the week is rented out for 5 a sides etc. Similar I guess to playing at Meggetland.  And with nearby BMO Field now having two tenants it's highly unlikely they would play there. For a big city, there are very few stadiums.

    Due to the climate a union team wouldn't work in Toronto, the Wolfpack played all away games until May. But Vancouver seems a good fit, they only have one team in the 'big four' leagues and BC Place the home of the MLS and CFL teams I'm sure would love a tenant for the winter months

    The new MLR starts up next year, with 7 teams for the first season (Denver, Seatle, New Orleans, Austin, Houston, san diego and utah) over a 12 week season. They cant start until end of April due to the wranglings with Pro USA which died after one season, but still had exclusivity rights). They are looking to expand in 2019 and 2020 with talk of New York, Boston, Chicago, Vancouver, Ontario, Kansas and North Carolina. They are all looking at playing out of the smaller stadia similar to the Wolfpack.

    I dont know how this is going to impact the proposed Pro14 expansion into the US and Canada though

  13. 10 hours ago, Swarley said:

    By "decent crowds" what are we talking? League is massive in NSW but they still get absolutely pitiful attendances (imho) apart from Grand Final and Origin games.

    From what I can gather Toronto are getting approx 5 to 7000 per game, and that's for 3rd tier rugby league

    Edit: Having check wiki it appears there average crowd last season was 6900 - thats Pro 14 level crowds for 3rd tier rugby league - imagine what they will be getting if they get to Superleague

  14. I've heard talk of an ENgland vs NZ game in the US next year as part of the build up to the league world cup in the US / building up some awareness for the game etc. There is also talk of a New York league team on a similar vein to the toronto wolfpack that are getting decent crowds at the moment.

    Im just hoping that union hasn't missed out by not getting proper pro clubs up and running in the US and Canada

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