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honestly united

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Posts posted by honestly united

  1. How steep was that climb at the end?? I think it was one of those if there had been another 5km either downhil, flat or a much smaller incline climb Froome would have caught them i think

    Unless Aru or Bardet can get a big win today, Froome should make the time back up on the Time Trial

    Just realised the TT is the last day before the procession to Paris, should keep things interesting till then

  2. Pro 12 meeting on Tuesday next week likely to confirm the 2 SA teams, plus a move to 7 team conference system, playing the other 6 teams in your conference home and away, and the 7 other teams once either home or away. This will be in place for one year, with a team from the US as a minimum joining in 2018.

    The SRU should make a move now to get a 3rd pro team from 2018

  3. Glasgow could definately do with a 15k-ish size ground at the moment, im pretty sure they could be getting 10k plus crowds most games if they had the capacity

    You would think Dundee, Perth or Stirling would make more sense for a Caledonian team than Aberdeen as they are a bit more central.

    If you are discounting the borders, in terms of rugby playing and support I think (and im in no way biased :)) putting a pro club in Ayrshire would be a god shout

  4. 4 hours ago, Northsea80 said:

    Still no word on from any pro 12 officials with regards to the expansion and including the South African teams?

    Nope nothing concrete yet, but plenty from the SA players about how much they are looking forward to playing in Europe, basically saying its a shop window for them to get big money contracts at the other Pro12, English and French clubs

  5. TBF I am sure in the last few years Froome when he was in Yellow has slowed and waited for GC contenders when they have had mechanical issue. cant think of specific cases but im sure it has happened in a few mountain stages

  6. Not as keen as previous strips, but ok i suppose, some of the training kits is quite smart (purple and light blue numbers)

    I know a lot of people didn't like it, but my favorite of the last few years was the world cup kit with the tartan down the side and under the collar

  7. From what i've read it looks like Washington is confirmed team for the Pro12/14/15 starting in 2018, sharing the new stadium with DC united.

    NY was the preferred location from the Pro12 but seemingly a suitable ground couldn't be sourced, Houston had a bid in as seemingly that is a big market for rugby in the US, but was deemed to be too far travel wise so Washington in the choice.

  8. 1 hour ago, come on shire said:

    Russell's a fly-half anyways.  If he does go as is rumoured Adam Hastings will hopefully be ready to step up as first choice 10 by that time.

    Thomson is mainly a fly half, but can play full back as well

  9. Im sure Thomson is eligible for Scotland already, although has played for SA at U20. Good signing and looked good while on loan at Glasgow last year.

    Im sure the pro12 clubs will be happy with the additional £500 - 800k a year in TV money if the SA teams join up. I have read people talking about poor crowds for the 2 SA teams in Super Rugby, but 7-8 thousand a game is fairly decent by Pro12 standards, and may improve given they are not competing with any other rugby. I wouldn't be suprised if the reached some agreement to loan some of the fringe sprinboks to give them some added experience.

  10. 3 hours ago, Doonhamer doon south said:

    If the pro 12 goes to a conference system due to SA teams AND an USA/CANADIAN franchise team(s) would it be equal conferences or will it be promote/relegate thing. If its equal i think its best to keep two pro teams but if its the latter it would be a great opportunity to try and invest in a third pro side but as a development side. Yes they would get pumped from time to time but in a conference consisting of Italian/Canadian/USA/other invited teams then they could well compete in that type of league. It would give our young charges and veterans a good place to go if they cant get in edinburgh or a warriors team. 

    It wold have to be equal conferences, although they might wait until the US/Canadian teams enter before going down that route - so normal league this season. Although they have also offered places / been in discussions with Spain, Germany and Georgia about expanding their so things could look a look different in a few years time

  11. 8 hours ago, Doonhamer doon south said:

    What will happen to the aussie team also being punted?

    I think they will just cease to exist with the players being moved to the other franchises to strengthen them. The Australians dont have the strength in depth that NZ have hence why they have struggled in Super Rugby so getting rid of a team player wise was never really an issue that it is in SA. Australia have just started a new domestic league as they dont have the equivalent of a Currie Cup or Mitre 10 / Air New Zealand which is the step from club players up to professional.

    Will be interesting with the SA franchises whether they are kept at a level comparable to the Super Rugby teams or sit at a level between Super Rugby and the Currie Cup ie a stepping stone from players in the Currie Cup before Super Rugby. It will surely not be ideal from the national team in SA to have players joining up for hte rugby Championship having just finished Super Rugby in August, then others who are in preseason for the Pro12/14, then the Pro 12/14 players will miss the first 6 weeks or so of the season as the Rugby Championship runs from end Aug through to the start of October

  12. Seemingly its now a done deal that the 2 SA teams being kicked out of Super Rugby will be joining the Pro 12 possibly for this season coming. Apparently will be playing home and away, but no info on whether it will be a straight 26 games or whether it will be split into pools

  13. 14 hours ago, Tommy Nooka said:

    I'm pretty sure that's where I thought it was going to end and as soon as I realised there was another hour to go I just turned it off. Think this was before the Dinobots had even made a proper appearance, still haven't seen it and have no real desire to.

    to be fair wish I had done the same

  14. 36 minutes ago, John Lambies Doos said:


    Imagine the scenes if the lions get dumped 3 0 and Scotland beat the ABs in November


    especially if the beatings are worse in the next 2 tests

  15. Transformers: Age of Extinction - 3/10

    Had completely missed this first time round, and only realised it existed when I was talking with someone about the new one, so thought I should at least check it out. I knew this was going to be CGI heavy and not a lot of story so was slightly surprised that it actually started quite well, protective single dad, daughter nearing the age of leaving to go to college etc. Dad is an inventor / repairs scrap tech and happens upon an old truck that just happens to be Optimus Prime and the adventure ensues with the cliched daughters boyfriend that is a bit of a boy racer, secret US govt agency up to no good, as is dodgy tech company. Now if the movie had finished at 1hr 45 or there abouts I think I would have been tempted to rate it 5 or 6 as it was passable sci-fi entertainment. But the running time is 2hrs 45 minutes, and the last hour really drags. 

    Once the action moves to China, i started to lose the will to live as it just drags on, and i thnk the people working on the movie did as well. the editing is shockingly bad in places, people leave and then turn up again later on, the dialogue from the autobots sounds like it is lazily just added on over the top and doesn't fit with the movie. It really does just fall apart, is far to long, and the fight sequences which to start with are good, become tedious and repetitive.

  16. I agree we should have taken the points early on with the penalties, and given Scotlands record at lineouts its probably not the best approach. However we have to remember we did score 3 tries to Fiji's 2 which seems to have been forgotten in all the talk of fantastic Fijian running rugby.

    Agree on Nakarawa, he should have been snuffed out much more than he was given half the players and management team would have been training with him every day for a few years. As Barclay states, the tackling wasn't good enough, some of the decision making wasn't good enough, but as long as we learn from it and make some further improvement in November it will all be forgotten. If we can beat Australia again, a convincing win against Samoa, and run NZ close (a better result than the Lions can muster would be superb) and it will set us up nicely for the 6N's.

  17. 36 minutes ago, dogmc said:

    6th is probably about right for us. Dont see wales as high as 7th tbh. Do the lions tests count for nz ranking points?

    No, lions dont count for rankings, same as the Barbarians.

    Only counts when both countries put out their full 1st team (ie recent America 6 nations games against the Argentina XV didn't count for rankings whereas all other games did), and there is 10 points or less between the country in the rankings - ie Scotland and Australia vs Italy had no bearing in the rankings due to the huge gap between the teams, but Fiji vs Italy and Fiji vs Scotland did.

  18. Scotland down to 6th in the Rankings as SA move above us, although not much between us, SA and Oz now. Wales still below us in 7th, although gap has closed. Fiji close in on Argentina in 9th. Italy move up to 15th due to the points dropped by Samoa vs Wales.

  19. Shin Godzilla - an undersea disturbance off the coast of Japan leads to destruction of road and inland canal networks. Is the damage being caused by some kind of geological movement, perhaps a volcano, or oh I give up it's Godzilla again, alright.

    It shouldn't be too much of a surprise that the Japanese still do a better job of these. There's an interesting theme of how Japan shouldn't rely on other countries (primarily the US, let's be honest) to solve its problems when it's perfectly capable of doing it with reasonable help from its allies, which makes me wonder if this is a topic that Japanese society is ruminating over at the moment. The film's basically about government officials trying to work out how to deal with this massive symbolic problem, which totally isn't Fukushima, before the international community step in to protect themselves at Japan's expense. Sounds a bit dull, and it can get dry at times, but there are some interesting characters and decent acting/dialogue to help things along (from the Japanese actors, at least).

    ...nobody's watching for that, of course. The big guy himself is an interesting mix of old-school rubber suit and CG, which does a good job of keeping the daft entertainment of the old Japanese films, while adding a bit more realism. Godzilla's a bizarre mix of hilarious and terrifying when he first emerges, and they did a good job of showing the batshit insanity of being chased down the street by a giant googly-eyed monstrosity, destroying property due to its inability to control its own body. He has plenty of surprises to deliver as the film goes on too, and never stops being interesting.

    He's not the only amusing thing in the film either. There are a fair few things that will bring a smile, not least the Japanese-American character who has supposedly never set foot in her ancestors' country, but speaks her English dialogue phonetically. It doesn't hurt the film at all, though, and is a nice counterpoint to the stern seriousness of the last American Godzilla film. Must admit to enjoying this one a bit more, and hopefully the next Hollywood film takes more of a leaf from Japan and forgets about following bland soldiers around. Nobody cares about you or your boring family, FFS.

    Have been meaning to watch this for a while, I love the Japanese Godzilla movies. Saw the trailer for Shin Godzilla, and was gutted when I found out it wasn't getting a full release over here, but haven't been able to find a subtitled version yet. I thought the last American Godzilla was actually quite good, much better than previous versions, I'm just hoping the next one as hinted at by King Kong will be a worthwhile watch

  20. I had expected the UA to win, but the should take the win in the home leg. Sounds a better performance from Canada who have been woeful of late and have dropped out the top 20 in the rankings

  21. Just watched the game, on world rugby Facebook, and we were way of the pace all game. Pyrgos was slow, we lacked invention without Russell, the forwards looked one paced as well. I think our issue against Fiji is that normally we are the team looking to play a quick game, harrying the opposition, but Fiji just do it better than us. We just didn't get going.


    Subs bench wasn't great, Taylor went off at half time I think and we only had tons to come so Jackson went to 10 and Horne to 12, but it meant we had to delay bring price on as he was the only other back on the bench with a 6 2 split.


    Plenty to work on and pushes Fiji as the 10th best team in the world. Had to smile though when Nakarawa put a chip down the line straight into touch, just goes to show even the best player in the world can't do everything!


    Edit to add I think it's a 3 way tie between us, oz and Fiji all with 2 wins and one lose, not sure the rules on who wins on a tie, it's usually head to head first but as we all beat each other not sure the next decider

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