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honestly united

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Posts posted by honestly united

  1. After Scotland's win over Japan and France's loss to Argentina, Scotland are now up to 8th in the World Rankings.


    We just need to stay above France until after the autumn internationals and we will be 2nd seeds at the world cup (top 8 are the seeded teams)


    So same results this weekend, then in the autumn France play Samoa, Australia and New Zealand, and we have Australia, Argentina and Georgia - I would image that this would be one win each so should see us keep 8th unless we take some drubbings off Australia and Argentina

  2. To be fair I would give all of those examples as forward passes, however as with most of the laws of rugby they are open to interpretation by the ref and are usually not clear, ie taking the video's above they could all be classed as Forward passes or throw forward from the definition below the section used as an example are only to give clarity not the sole definition 


    Law 12 Knock-on or Throw Forward



    A throw forward occurs when a player throws or passes the ball forward, i.e, if

    the arms of the player passing the ball move towards the opposing team’s dead

    ball line.


    Bounce forward. If the ball is not thrown forward but it hits a player or the

    ground and bounces forward, this is not a throw forward.



    A knock-on occurs when a player loses possession of the ball and it goes forward,

    or when a player hits the ball forward with the hand or arm, or when the ball hits

    the hand or arm and goes forward, and the ball touches the ground or another

    player before the original player can catch it.

    ‘Forward’ means towards the opposing team’s dead ball line.

    If a player in tackling an opponent makes contact with the ball and the ball goes

    forward from the ball carrier’s hands, that is a knock-on.

    If a player rips the ball or deliberately knocks the ball from an opponent’s hands

    and the ball goes forward from the ball carrier’s hands, that is not a knock-on.


    Charge down. If a player charges down the ball as an opponent kicks it, or

    immediately after the kick, it is not a knock-on even though the ball may travel





  3. In real time I thought it was a forward pass too. The more I saw it on the slow-mo the less convinced I became.......I'm still not sure if it was or wasn't to be honest!


    Its something I hate about the professional game, is the blatant forward passes not being given as the ball left his hands going backwards. IMHO it doesn't matter, if the ball goes forward at all its a forward pass. I know its hard to spot, unless you have a line that the ball crosses. I've not seen the incident in question, but sounds like Barnes may have got it right (which obviously would be a first!)

  4. By the sounds of things LS were expecting the sru to send a full team of 1st team players and LS were only going to pay for a few pro's to supplement that and the sru quite rightly were having none of that

  5. The 7's team have improved immensely as the season has gone on, and its just a pity its finishing now. To think that it was the England team that gained qualification to the Olympics, we are now (well the last few tournaments anyway) by far the better team. Its just a pity the Olympic squad was selected so early or there would have been a few more Scots in it.


    It was an excellent performance from Scotland, just hope we can keep up that standard going into next season

  6. I think its brilliant, and for a one off of £30 its amazing value, for me £20 a month for sky sports and the same for movies is not value for money as I dont watch it enough to make it worthwhile. If you watch loads of TV and are happy to pay Sky / VM or dont have a decent internet connection its probably not for you


    I still download all the TV at US time, pop it onto a memory stick once a week and thats my viewing sorted with no worries whether the usb port on my tv is going to accept file types etc. Anything im desperate for the next episode I can usually get on Exodus


    I dont get much time to watch that much sport anyway, most things I would be desperate to watch are either on Alba (any Ayr game that is likely to be shown or the majority of Glasgow Warriors games) or BBC Scotland but i will sit on a Saturday or Sunday afternoon if im not doing something and watch whatever sport I can find on the box. My usual issue is the kids watching youtube video's on the laptop / ipad using up all the internet bandwidth rather than not being able to get a decent stream.


    Also you can usually get decent streams for movies if the mood takes me, and its also great for finding movies / cartoons for the kids to watch

  7. I think the SRU has to be a bit smarter with the 7's team. Granted this season has gone a lot better than the last few years, we haven't managed to many cup appearances which makes the next tournament all the harder. We are ranked at 11 in the world at 7's and after last week we are pretty much now on a par with England and France (who were boosted by a home tournament) and way above Wales and Italy and Ireland are an irrelevance at 7's


    USA and Kenya are the only teams above us you could question but they don't have the rugby skills we do, they are just getting better athletes which makes a difference in 7's, you look at the standings ands its the Southern Hemisphere 4, 2 Pacific Island teams, USA, Kenya, France and England, so its not all doom and gloom



    1) Fiji – 166 points
    2) South Africa – 152
    3) New Zealand – 145
    4) Australia – 127
    5) Argentina – 107
    6) USA – 100
    7) Kenya – 95
    8) Samoa – 84
    9) England – 82
    10) France – 75
    11) Scotland – 65
    12) Wales – 46
    13) Canada – 35
    14) Russia – 26
    15) Japan – 21
    16) Portugal – 20
    17) Brazil – 2
    18) Zimbabwe – 1
    19) South Korea – 1

  8. To be fair we haven't had many guys come through the 7s team yet the team is currently ranked 8th or 9th in the world the same as the 15s and that is with us, Canada and Kenya all being focused on 7s. It's not great but better than some other countries


    I think the best explanation for this one (and as there appears to be no records of it happening) is that as the airport had only been operational as an International airport for less than 2 years, if this person was indeed from Andorra, there is a fair chance that the Japanese custom officials would have had no idea where Andorra was or if it was a real country (whole language barrier etc countries called different things by different people) until the man pointed to it on a map, and in a Chinese whispers as these things happen, over the years the whole thing gets exaggerated to a man with passport from country that doesn't exist becomes the story.

  10. Cyprus, France and Georgia my 3 favourites at the moment.


    I had hoped I was going to have a saturday of Glasgow in the Pro12 Semi, Ayr in the Championship play off final and then Eurovision but Ayr game (as long as we dont hibs it against Peterhead) is on the Sunday now

  11. As far as I am aware there is no need to play in any of the qualifiers to be selected for the Olympics, this was only a rule if you wanted to change country to play at the Olympics ie all the New Zealanders who no longer play for the all blacks could have switched country to play 7's at the Olympics and they would then have qualified for that country at 15's - France were murmerming about getting Armitage qualified as French, although he has already played for England, he is eligible for France at the Olympics but would needed to have played a % of World Series events first and there would be no guarantee of France qualifying anyway.


    For Nakarawa it would more likely be the coach asking him if he wants to play at the Olympics you need to be in the squad now and play a few tournaments prior to it starting

  12. Had totally forgotten about Cuisiter post the world cup squad so surprised he has played that much for Sale but still not great being second choice behind Stringer who is nearly 40 now and I thought would have retired after leaving Bath.


    Jackson has been a regular in the Wasps squads this season, Gopperth is definitely first choice though, but has had a fair amount of game time. However will be interesting what happens next year with Cipriani joining, as one will likely go, and depends whether Gopperth will want to be second choice or not.

  13. They need to start spreading the fan base out if they want to get any bigger. I think the tours have been a good start, but that needs to be built on to make ICW a UK wide organisation rather than just a Glasgow based organisation.


    Obviously they need to have FNFC to give them on demand footage - its the fine line between ICW telling people its a TV taping and tempering their expectations, and the fans wanting to turn up to watch a live ICW show.

  14. Finished watching takeover this morning and was a fantastic PPV - without seeing any of the build up all the matches were fantastic I thought.


    Tag match had a late 80's early 90's feel to it - high energy faces vs the methodical heels (reminded me of the midnight express vs Anderson & Zybzko)

    I enjoyed Ares vs Corbin, I quite like Ares (not a huge fan though) and this was a good match - would have preferred to see Corbin destroying Ares after the pin, to make it look like Ares skill had got the pin against the much bigger and stronger Corbin but keeping Corbin strong as well.

    Zayn vs Nakamura - phenomenal stuff from the 2 of them - always helps when the crowd are really in to it but this was in MOTY contendership

    Womens match was solid, better than most of the stuff the main roster has had.

    Was really looking forward to Balor v Joe - the cut to Joe's eye really stopped them getting any flow going, still a good match but was ruined by the continual breaks to clean up the blood.

  15. Looks as if that is the strongest starting 15 Glasgow could put out (you could make a case for one or two others being included but not far off) but am assuming that a few will get rested for the Italian games.

  16. Dont know if anyone else has experienced the same, Kodi was having a few glitches so I removed and re-installed. However I had 15.2 and the version on Google play is the new 16. I went with it, but have noticed that non of the mucky duck builds work anymore (I have run the installers but non of the menu's change although you get the add ons installed) and also when I try and watch things from a USB memory stick the dont play in Kodi.


    Anyone else had this problem.


    Although have to say the new media player for Kodi is a big improvement on the last one.

  17. The thing is most of the add on's are using the same streams be it for movies or sports, its just a matter of which sites update the links regularly. You need to have a few go to's for when one isn't working you have a backup.


    I had been using NJM for a week, but it stopped working over the weekend and I was back to UK Turks

  18. Overall so far as much as it pains me to say it England have been the best team, not quite as one dimensional as they have been, but still unspectacular. They are good, but dont have the backs to be a great team yet


    The Welsh playing Warrenball got slaughtered, it wasn't until the last 10 minutes that they started to play, and that is the best 10 minutes of rugby from any team in the 6 nations so far, just ahead of the 10 minutes Scotland put in against Wales after losing the first try.


    The welsh really need to vary their tactics as at the moment they are very predictable, they have great backs (apart from Cuthbert who had a shocker) and really should use them more. England on the other hand have backs who are very average but caused Wales problems as they were getting quick ball out to them.


    Think all the confidence has gone from the Italian side and fear for them next week. They have played some good rugby in patches, but defensively they look poor. I had said to a mate during the game against us last time out, that they look like a Scotland team from a few seasons ago, can have loads of possession and territory, batter away at the line for 10 - 15 minutes, but never look like scoring, then will lose tries from nothing.


    However yesterday's 2 games were a vast improvemenet on some of the games so far, the last round, apart from Scotland v Italy the other 2 games were some of most boring games I have ever watched! 

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